The Millers in Motion Podcast

EP17 - A look into RV Unplugged Season 2 with Tony and Rob

February 27, 2024 Millers in Motion Episode 17

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Welcome to the RV Shenanigans Podcast from Millers in Motion, where we embark on adventures and share tales from life on the road. Join us as we explore the joys and challenges of RV living and discover the beauty of traveling this amazing country.

Episode Title: A look into RV Unplugged Season 2 with Tony and RobThe Road Less Bumpy An Inside Look at Cutting-Edge RV Suspensions with Austin Conrad from MORryde.


Episode Description:

As the Executive Producers of RV Unplugged gear up for the production of Season 2, we sit down with Tony Flammia (Co-Creator, Executive Producer, & Director) and Rob Boyer (Executive Producer in charge of business development) and chat about how Lauren and I met Tony for the first time, nd what we can expect from season 2 of the new hit reality show RV Unplugged!

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Thank you for joining us on the RV Shenanigans Podcast. Until next time, happy trails and safe travels!

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to the RV shenanigans podcast. I'm Ryan.

Speaker 3:

I'm Lauren, and together we're Millers in motion. We sold our ranch in Texas and are enjoying a new season of life in our Alliance Valor.

Speaker 2:

And we are doing a completely unscripted on anything Some would say potentially unplugged podcast, but we're not because we have power. Is this how this works? We are live from the 2024 Florida RV Super Show. Big thanks to Alliance RV for having us in the booth and allowing us to kind of take over a section and have some fun. We ran into our good friend Tony from the NRV TA beard and bun, but you're bundless now and, more importantly, rv unplugged.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, thanks for noticing. The bun is left the building. I love that intro, by the way. That was really good. That was quick. You should be proud of yourself. That was good. This is unplugged, although we're not a plug, but yeah, that was great.

Speaker 4:

Very proud of you and Lauren's a natural, I mean she just I miss hanging out with you guys.

Speaker 2:

You know that deal with you.

Speaker 1:

Guys were my. You were my favorite in season one. We're gonna let that out. It doesn't let the public know because give you a little background on how we met. We originally met at the Dallas RV show.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I remember this, yes.

Speaker 1:

And I saw him as a very up and coming YouTuber with a lot of gumption, ready to go, just wanting to film everything. And I think I turned and I saw a camera in my face. Hi, I'm Ryan.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I didn't film you.

Speaker 1:

Well, it was like that because we had a bunch of influencers at the booth and you know it was an exciting time. It felt good and I instantly went oh man, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get along with this dude. And the craziest thing happened when you ended up on RV on plug season one you know, because of Chris and Martha knowing you, you ended up becoming one of my favorite people and just because of the brisket right.

Speaker 2:

No because, of not only the mask.

Speaker 1:

I think you're. I think you're like an onion. You know you don't want to bite into it until you peel the first, you know the skin off because he makes you cry. Yeah, thank you for that, and so, basically, once we peeled your skin off, you became a little more edible. So it was, it was great getting to know you and, of course, getting to know Lauren through your backstory.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, and I'm really proud that you're a member of my name this year.

Speaker 2:

Well well, that's what happens when you don't show up for the show. Just set it on the intro.

Speaker 1:

Thankfully. Yeah so so it's great to be on your show. This is awesome.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you for doing also.

Speaker 4:

That's Rob, yeah, who's been talking in the background, because otherwise known as RV Bernie, doing his best weekend at the stunt beard.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't he look great today, he does look like he's all tucked in and he's got the slacks skinny jeans. I didn't know, they made stretchy golf in skinny, which is cool.

Speaker 2:

He's very golf pro ask.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

So in in ride. Well, the golf pro, greenskeeper, whatever, yeah, I mean green skin.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we did say you look like you have a really nice trimmed lawn. Yeah, like true green. You don't you have a true green.

Speaker 4:

Wait for the guy to come by is like is he here yet? Oh no, they text you ahead of time.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm on speed, so you would know then.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, everybody out there, welcome to the show. I have no idea what's happening anymore.

Speaker 3:

This is unplugged and unpredictable. That's, that's how it is that's a good.

Speaker 4:

I like that, so plugged in unpredictable.

Speaker 2:

If you guys are up for it, can we chat a little bit about the future of and season two a little bit, and all the things are beyond plugged.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just turn the heat up Holy smokes. It's just got really cold, did you?

Speaker 3:

feel that Are we in Florida.

Speaker 4:

Are we back in Texas? Because this is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you said it was cold. We're trying to warm it up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's talk about it.

Speaker 2:

We're in the shade, so as far as RV unplug goes, obviously I know a whole lot about season one and most of the people out there know a lot about season one, but at what point? During filming or anything? Sorry, rob, this really isn't a you question yet.

Speaker 4:

No, it's okay, I'm used to being over here.

Speaker 2:

At what point did you kind of say to yourself hey, this is exactly, this is what we wanted to be, and season two needs to start happening. What's? There was a certain point that that kind of came out.

Speaker 1:

So Todd and I have been planning season one quite a long time ago, and so we had a good idea of what we were wanting to get out of season one. And really, season one was a pilot. It was. Is there a way to pull this off? And listen I you can hear the crying in the background. That's me. I just naturally make kids cry. It's, it's while talking.

Speaker 2:

It's impressive yeah.

Speaker 1:

Or put them to sleep. Either one, it's a suit, anyways. So we knew what we wanted to get out of it and it was, basically is there is their interest here, you know. So, with the pilot, is there going to be interest? Can we build community with this? And sure enough, with, you know, limited budget, we were able to pull off. Yeah, look in, the community that was built is awesome, you know. You saw, with the rally, which you had a huge hand in making sure was super successful, you saw it. You saw that it wasn't just a typical rally. This was, this was something special. So we knew at that point that all the everything was falling into place and season two just needed to be that much bigger, right.

Speaker 4:

And so, with the help of Bernie here, sorry, I'm distracted with the with Ryan's T Rex arms right now. It's a little cold in the booth here, so he's, he's like I don't want to get up and put my jacket on, so I'm just gonna start to hear any.

Speaker 2:

So for the audio side of this podcast, it got a war for some reason. As soon as I hit record, like a gust of wind came through and a really cold, really fast, and so I'm doing the the grandma thing and just trying to shove anything on my body.

Speaker 1:

I have to zip up here because this is in for the audio listener.

Speaker 2:

I am zipping a jacket that not that kind of podcast, only not that kind of quiet area, right.

Speaker 1:

There we go Roll the disc. That's the after dark park podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right Unplugged, we do that and Mike brings the bottle of scotch by it's unpredictable and undressed Okay.

Speaker 1:

So, with season two. Yeah, we just needed to be able to have the budget to take it to that next level, right, and so I'm not sure when this is airing, but it's probably going to be. It's probably going to be before season one starts to air, so I probably can't say a whole lot.

Speaker 2:

Or season two yeah season two, season ones out, buddy yeah.

Speaker 1:

Are you cutting it out, or is that just me?

Speaker 4:

That's probably just you, yeah, your cans or something. So they're all your cans, okay.

Speaker 3:

Did you twist your plug?

Speaker 1:

Check one, two. Oh, I'm out 100% now. Oh, now I'm back, now I'm there, there it is. I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm out See. All right, this is what happens when we do live things. That's all good.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's see if that worked. All right, did it welcome? Nope, didn't still cutting in and out, but that's a, that's okay. Yeah, yeah I think it might be in that connection, there Go ahead and yank it out and put it back in.

Speaker 3:

That's for the after dark podcast.

Speaker 4:

There you go. Thank you, I had to bite my tongue. I saw him sitting on his hands.

Speaker 1:

He was like I want to say it oh, oh, my goodness. Can you imagine if Todd was here right now when I said that?

Speaker 2:

No, we're gonna be 10, like a year. I was gonna have the stunt comment, but you know it's just crackling it out, no sorry, Well, congratulations Well

Speaker 4:

that's okay, he's sitting there.

Speaker 3:

That's what you get for fiddle Faddle in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is the first of these podcasts from here that I now have to edit, so thank you guys.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, you can leave that in. No, I think it's all these stuff, and raw audio gold.

Speaker 2:

Tony asking me to unplug things, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, back on track, yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So thank you.

Speaker 4:

Lauren, see, you're a wonder why you know that's a. You're really contributing.

Speaker 3:

That's my job in life.

Speaker 4:

Life just rained me in, and now it's.

Speaker 2:

Tony to the church.

Speaker 4:

Well, in my world.

Speaker 1:

Okay for the future of ceiling to what we needed was the funds cash money but it wasn't just the funds, it was the, the correct partnerships, right, right. So camp Margaritaville in Auburn Dale is allowing us to film at the most beautiful resort out there. As far as I'm concerned, it's. It's in the most perfect location because RV unplugged and you can actually speak to this. It's not about the competition, it's, it's a well, it is and you do win money, but what?

Speaker 3:

are we unplugged.

Speaker 1:

The actual underlying mission is to say your RV is a tool to get you to where the adventures are and it's okay to try something new that you never would have thought of doing. Most of the people in season one said that was the most amazing two weeks we've ever had, barring the karaoke.

Speaker 2:

That was awesome. I don't know what you're talking about. Well, you won, I did.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, because soup bowl full of cat or beard bucks, yeah soup bowl of cash, but yeah so, and Rob could probably speak into the partnerships, but it just everything seemed to kind of fall in line. We had a proof of concept. Season two is going to be more about awareness. Okay, because now we know it works, we know we're building a community. Now we just need to get more people in front of it, because you know if it works.

Speaker 1:

We just need more eyeballs to see it. And then, you know, fall in love with it.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah. So, rob, essentially you came on to kind of spearhead that for the guys. It was that a challenge, trying to insert yourself between the two of them because they work together so hard.

Speaker 3:

You like how I'm going with this this is your afternoon talk.

Speaker 4:

Trash talk, that's for you, yeah so you know, we worked on different projects, you know, with with Alliance RV and just with InterVTA.

Speaker 4:

So you know, I was very familiar with these guys, got along well with them and I was like, you know, I kind of I believe in what. What's going on here right there's and I saw it from my work from with the RV industry side of things, and it's like, you know this, this is a great concept because what this community needs, you know the RV industry and the community needs, is an outlet, right, and this is one of those things, because you know a lot of the content out there. You know you don't see commercials on TV much about RVs, right. Right, they're kind of always in the background and things like that. So it's like, hey, this, you know, this is an opportunity to only highlight some of those things but really serve a community. And so it was. It was great they, you know I tread, you know it's like prove yourself to them and you know they, they give me, you know, plenty of rope you know and wait.

Speaker 2:

Does that mean he had to swim in the lake too, or would different kind of prove himself?

Speaker 4:

different lake, okay, different lake different is, is green with you know, you know airplanes are different things. But really it was about, hey, can we? Because they're, you know, todd and Tony are pretty tight, you know. And, yeah, right, and getting in there and becoming part of that, that group and that family, it's, it's been a great journey and I think now we're in a good place where, hey, they say, okay, we can, you can do this right type of thing.

Speaker 4:

So and I think season two it's really about turning the volume up right on what season one was, and that's, I think, what we've talked to our you know, sponsors and partners is like, hey, this is a way we can shout at people into you know, not in the industry, but people want to be involved in RV and what it brings well, I will tell you, rob, and this will be uh, florida RV Super Show, exclusive, exclusive.

Speaker 1:

You are one of the guys, now one of the guys, you, you are right there between Todd and I, right it's. It's a very large big big, very gap, a lot of beard very hairy gap yeah, so besides getting everything amplified.

Speaker 3:

Is there any other like particular twist, anything that you really wanted to change from the direction you went from season one to two?

Speaker 1:

yes, lessons learned.

Speaker 2:

You know that is a great question. See, she didn't want to be on this right yeah, she was tired one that you're like oh, what am I gonna do?

Speaker 1:

so, yes, we did. What we noticed on season one was there was a lot of things we were trying to follow at once. You know, we had beer bucks, we had the store, we had all these different complex, uh story lines that were going all at once in. What happened was it was really hard to follow each storyline to fruition. So what we, what we, what we are doing in season two is we're gonna step back and simplify a little bit. Good, it's gonna be more about the challenges, it's gonna be more about the people, um, you're gonna learn more about, uh, the individuals through the game, and so the game is changing a lot. And of course, you know, you've heard that a million times this is RV unplugged. The game is changing, but this is our being plugged, but this is our being plugged.

Speaker 1:

That's what we do um. But, yes, we we want to. We want to kind of simplify the storyline and make it more um high impact and energetic cool, really easier to follow.

Speaker 4:

Maybe you know as you go through the games and and and story lines.

Speaker 1:

So oh, I thought you meant the question would that be easy to follow. Well for him because I saw you had like this blank, like how am I gonna?

Speaker 4:

ask for audio listeners. Look on Ryan's face. The next question what is he talking about?

Speaker 1:

so let me ask you something, right oh yeah, I was thinking we didn't know this was gonna happen so he did warn me he was gonna take over pretty fast.

Speaker 4:

I have a habit about uh.

Speaker 1:

12 minutes is the official time, so let me ask you what did what you know, now that you're seeing what's happening with season two as a season one? Uh, contestant, how are you?

Speaker 2:

feeling I mean the prize money could have been less this year, I think, because maybe match what we had to go for last year yeah but I will say because I, I'm, I'm lucky enough to still be involved with the show we're lucky enough that you're involved with the show, with not just the rally. But uh, also I get to help torture a little bit this year. That's right because somebody.

Speaker 1:

He's the game master he mastered the games well, I don't know about that but yeah, so a little behind the scenes magic of of RVM plug. Typically, when there's a challenge, before you know we'll cut and then we'll explain to the contestants what, what the actual challenge is, and then we'll start shooting again. Well, we can't have that to be Todd, because there's many reasons by day four, if it's hot and people are asking questions, you know he's a big guy he could hurt somebody.

Speaker 2:

So I will say too, but Todd also is also. He's worried about what he needs to say in the next shot. He's worried about the production side. There is a lot of different things that, oh yeah, he's gonna so we're gonna yell cut.

Speaker 1:

He's gonna come over, we're gonna go through the outline and then the master of games, the game master, the ceremonial game master, what are we gonna call you, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But do I get a hat? I'm just kidding, like just never mind yeah, we can get you a hat.

Speaker 1:

There's a walmart right down the road I'll buy you that you want but you'll, you'll be going over the game with the contestants and then answering questions well in.

Speaker 2:

The fun part too is, you know, I've been meeting with Todd individually and with a group as well, and we've been kind of fine tuning the ideas, maybe with a little extra on it now, because I was subjected to it and I feel that if they're going for 25 000 to the $10 000, it should be that much more hard.

Speaker 1:

So there, there is a little bit. There's an issue there, isn't there? No, no, I'm not sensing it at all.

Speaker 4:

No, it's it's gotta if it's sucked for me it's gotta suck for you by 15 000 different times 15 000 more dollars, and not all of that was was Ryan's doing.

Speaker 3:

There's a little voice in his ear that says, hey, hey, look what we could do. Who I don't know. I just know that there is a little voice in his ear that's back home that says, oh, you know, it would be fun oh boy, yeah, some of those made it in it was.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome but no, I'm super excited about doing it, mainly because, like Tony, you said a lot of us and I think Mike was the one that actually said that that this is some of the best two weeks of RVing they've ever had well, you know that's for an experienced RVers too, I mean yeah, not just in the weekend warriors in the winners.

Speaker 1:

You know Chris and Aaron.

Speaker 1:

They they're the ones that actually came up to me and told me that right after that because and you look at all the experiences they had before coming on the show and them saying that that was one of the best two weeks they ever had it just solidified the idea in my, in my mind that, okay, we're doing something right here and you ever go to like a new town and you're you know you're traveling and you may be alone or you're just with your significant other and you're trying to find something to do and you typically just settle for you know, let's go to dinner right, or maybe we'll go see a movie, yeah you know we want to push people to.

Speaker 1:

You know, let's go skydiving. Yeah, you know let's go. You know, do something that you typically wouldn't normally do you step outside the comfort zone, but afterwards you feel so awesome about it, like running, you know. I know I did it a couple of weeks ago and afterwards I felt great. I haven't done it since, but but yeah, the concepts there Trust me the concepts there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did force you to run in season one a little bit faster and you thought you needed to. Which time? The very first. Which time there was multiple.

Speaker 1:

I think so.

Speaker 2:

I was only one that stuck out in my head, but the water, the water challenge.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this guy. Let me look at the camera here and all you listeners, I'm looking at the camera. I couldn't believe how fast this dude could run. Short spurts, very short spurts.

Speaker 3:

It's true.

Speaker 1:

So I'm chasing him with a camera and I ended up having to hand it off. So I can't keep up with this guy and you know I think I'm fast.

Speaker 2:

But it's just momentum. Once you get a mask going, it kind of has to keep going.

Speaker 1:

So I didn't think of that. I clearly have the mask.

Speaker 2:

I do have a little bit of a bonapic. That same challenge, yes, and I know you didn't have a ton of camera guys, but literally that entire time I was lifting three pallets at a time to pull them over there and nobody got that on camera, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, we got that. We just thought you were showing off and we didn't want you to look bad.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'd have done four if I was showing off. We got it, we just cut it. No, honestly, we didn't catch that and again.

Speaker 1:

This is why we're so happy we have Focus TV to come out and do the filming?

Speaker 1:

They are what a four time Emmy award winning production company. So it's quite amazing that season two we're already at that level. Right, and that's one thing I'm very excited about, because it's given me a chance to really work on an outline. You know, we can't write this thing because it's all what's happening, it's reality, it's unscripted, but we have an outline of what we want to happen and then I'm basically going to have a set of monitors. I'm going to see what's going to be going on during the shooting, I'm going to be following the outline and when it comes to editing, they're basically going to run with the storyline that we're trying to present, and man, what an amazing advantage we have.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say just knowing how stressed you were watching that side of it, because, again, I think we've told the story a couple of times. I mean season one, tony and Todd would roll in somewhere around the I don't know what time you actually got on.

Speaker 1:

It was dark still.

Speaker 2:

But you would roll up to the set, the cabin at somewhere between 4 and 5 am typically, and we knew you were probably going somewhere else first, like down to Little Red or somewhere else to gear up or get things, and so you'd roll up there and then typically you'd be gone well after dark. I mean, I say well after dark because we shot a lot of the vote off scenes at like between 9 and 10 o'clock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one went to like 10, 30 or 11 that one time and then we still had to take the cards, dump them, do daily checks. You know we had to make sure that we didn't have to reshoot anything the next day.

Speaker 2:

So what can people, with the addition of the production crew and essentially what Rob's done and bringing in those sponsors in it's helping pay for those things? What's kind of the visual difference or what are the things you're hoping to achieve with Arbium Plug, with that production crew?

Speaker 1:

Much steadier shots. So we're going to have more angles. So a lot more action, a lot more cuts, steadier shots, that's a nice little.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, we just picked up again.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So, yeah, it's just going to be at a better level. So, you know, a lot of times, you know I came from the music industry and when we were setting up speaker systems in different places, if you didn't notice where the sound was coming from, you did a good job, gotcha. And so what we're hoping for season two is, if you're not, if you're watching it and you're not noticing that this is a you know, this is a self-funded or not a self, what do you call it? I want to say amateur, because we have stepped it up Independent.

Speaker 1:

And independent. Yeah, if you're not thinking it's like oh, this is an independent YouTube show. You know we feel like it's going to be more like you're watching just another reality show. You know we want the quality to be that good.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate that all of your contestants this year know when to show up more than 24 hours in advance.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's the little things, it's the little things.

Speaker 3:

Hey, we're not there yet.

Speaker 1:

Well, I am eternally grateful that one of them didn't show up, because if they didn't, we wouldn't have been able to meet Ryan. And he wouldn't be on the team and we wouldn't have been able to meet you Well.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say. I don't know if I've actually ever told you this, because for the most part, we've said this to you guys. I love you, buddy, Even if you just love me for food.

Speaker 3:

I get it.

Speaker 2:

It's got perks. The brisket is real oh that takes the friends with benefits to a whole different.

Speaker 1:

I did because we had we had our season two launch video and I had to be there for the live chat.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So everybody knows for the most part that I really only had about 18 to 20 hours to figure out how I'm getting there, all that stuff. What you don't know is for those first three hours I was saying no in my head Like hard no. The only reason why I eventually said yes was sitting to my left over there.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome, thank you for treating him well, and that was one of the treating them well, part I mean, they literally tortured me for two weeks. Well, with any reality show, you kind of wonder what the perception is going to be.

Speaker 3:

And so he doesn't know people, and he was worried that his wrong perception would be portrayed to the public and that would ruin him was you know a big thing? And so when we were thinking about who all was involved with that eventually and that was one of the things that got him to say yes, was that you're working with good people- I'm glad you brought that up, because a lot of people don't.

Speaker 1:

They don't realize that, although we are reality reality show, one of the things that we really want to make sure we do is we show the RV lifestyle in a positive light.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Right. There were some things that we cut out. There's things that you know. We had to take some contestants aside and say, hey, we can't put that on air unless you go apologize first, and we really want to use that. So please can you know, can you make this right, because we don't want anybody to look bad.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You know we want to have some friendly drama, but we don't want. We don't want anybody coming out of this being hazed or you know they can't walk around the Florida RV Super show and people saying you know what was wrong with you. You know that's the last thing we want, right? We're trying to develop community here, not not division.

Speaker 3:

Right and that was very reassuring. That was one of the reasons that you got to say yes eventually.

Speaker 1:

Well, you got to say yes, there it is.

Speaker 4:

We as males. We all picked up on that.

Speaker 1:

But in all seriousness, the issue was really did.

Speaker 2:

He was like no, we live full time on our RV and essentially being asked last second to take your home away from her, and she couldn't get out, and so we had to find somewhere for her to stay. So if we could not find somewhere for her to stay for those two and a half three weeks, whatever it was, yeah that it was going to be a no.

Speaker 3:

And with the dogs to. So half the places that we would normally consider were immediately out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, what do you think was the hardest challenge for you in?

Speaker 2:

season one. Hardest, like when the OK. So that's a very loaded question. Did you just hurt yourself trying to cross your legs?

Speaker 1:

Well, it wasn't trying to cross, it was trying to get it up over this whole problem again.

Speaker 3:

Snap crackle pop.

Speaker 2:

So there were. There were challenges that were very difficult from a standpoint of like for me, because I'm not the skinniest and smallest of people, so the body like the, the challenge, the zip lining challenge well, I was above their weight capacity so I didn't get to do it and so I couldn't compete now and that sucked. That sucked a lot Because I'm a it may not come across in the show all that much, but I'm an uber competitive person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do remember, I do remember in one of the evening sessions you were saying you know, I just, I just want to compete.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, I got to a point where it was literally just like I literally showed up to a competition to compete and in that scenario and kudos to so the well the zip lining one and then the next challenge. After that was the fire starter challenge. That was over in about 14 seconds.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so yeah, but just slayed the, the dive, the swimming part, yeah, the swimming thing was like look at Ryan, our boys got gills.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

like a dolphin Right and that was.

Speaker 2:

another thing is that our? You know the team. You should call me a dolphin. No, he's like a it's Aquaman, yeah you get that guy. I think Todd called me.

Speaker 1:

Well, never mind, he didn't say the S word right that would be horrible.

Speaker 4:

No, okay, we're all kind of like what, which word is that? But that's okay, okay, we're gonna move on, but no, then the crazy thing about that costume, never mind, I'll tell you off air.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for that, but no, yeah, so that one was probably the most physically challenging of all of them.

Speaker 1:

Well, because your team had to go multiple times.

Speaker 2:

Well, and it just by happenstance and lucky me, when we were trying, because we had to keep track of how many buoys came up off of the small buoys, off of the big buoy Right, and so for us it was every single time it popped up. The wind would keep moving the dang buoys around, and every time it was my turn, it was the furthest freaking one both times, and so the fact that I was able to do it, I was super happy about that, because I mean, by the end of it you're struggling because that wasn't a short swim in some of those scenarios.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I mean that was we had to send out our rescue team to help a couple people.

Speaker 2:

I remember make it back. I was not one of them.

Speaker 1:

No, no, you dude, I'm telling you we were really impressed by your athleticism, and there's an athlete buried under all this somewhere, yeah. Yeah, but you know also teddy bear, so it's a good mix.

Speaker 3:

All those five K's.

Speaker 2:

They benefited you whatever five K's, we run five K's.

Speaker 1:

What are those donuts that?

Speaker 2:

new brand of doughnut. So I will say in probably the I found it the most entertaining. But Tony and I share a very similar humor.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we. There is one morning where you showed up with donuts. This has turned into reminiscing. Sorry, everybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is awesome, I love it.

Speaker 2:

You showed up with donuts and there was two boxes and you walked up to, as we were all kind of hanging out outside, and you walked up and said pick a box. Well, of course, now we've been doing it for what? About a week?

Speaker 1:

Yes, and we were totally in y'all's head. I'm very aware and I'm going to give you the backstory behind that after you finish this.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so he shows up with the box and we were having to pick this donut and so we pick one and you say good choice, and then kind of just walked away. We're like, yeah, and then he goes and I'm assuming gave the other team their box, said something, and then came back to us.

Speaker 1:

And so here's all it was, and this is this is what I want wanted to do to them. I just wanted to be in their heads the entire time. He succeeded. All it was was I got two dozen donuts. I pulled one out of one box and gave one to Garrett, so there was one with 10, one with 12. They made a good choice because they picked the one with 12. The other team only got 10. But that was it, so I can nothing else.

Speaker 3:

But that could have gone a thousand ways.

Speaker 2:

They were counting what we count. We knew how many donuts there were. We knew the type of donuts they were. We actually at one point knew how many sprinkles there were, how I remember how we're going I know there's I don't remember what it is now, but he counted sprinkles because we had no idea, nobody would eat them. No, we were terrified that, because you guys kept dropping the bug thing, yeah, and so I was like I'm not eating anything they give me. I'm not an idiot.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's all over now.

Speaker 2:

It is all over now. So at the end of the day, with the ways, thank you, and now I ate it. Now I got over that quick You're going to be on the other side which is why I feel so bad for the season two contestants. No, it'll be all in good fun, but I do know like talking through a lot of the stuff for games for season two. One of the concerns with production is there were a handful of games that went way too fast just from a filming perspective.

Speaker 1:

And we learned so much from season one. So, the season two. Everybody's participating. Phil and Stacy are participating a lot more.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I mean, they're sorry, phil, and then so we're also going to have, you know, different types. We're in multiple types of challenges, each, each, each episode. So everybody's going to participate a lot more and we call that the the Ryan adjustment.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Because we want to. We don't want somebody looking up to looking at us with puppy dog.

Speaker 3:

I say I just want to compete. I just want to compete.

Speaker 1:

What does it?

Speaker 2:

make. May I have some more sir?

Speaker 1:

You want what bugs?

Speaker 2:

I got no. Yeah, you want to go for the doughnuts, but wise choice no it's, it's we definitely.

Speaker 1:

I love that we had that fire issue, you know. I love that we went through all these different obstacles in season one, because now we know, you know, season two is going to be just that much better and I'm sure we're going to learn a bunch of stuff on season two.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah absolutely I think it's one of those things that you're going to learn a bunch of stuff on every season. If you're, if, if and I say you, I'm lumping me in with you now. So good luck with this. For the rest of your less lump lump. But even after season 10, you're probably going oh, we could do this or we could do that, and I think that's what makes this show so special is that you guys want to want it to evolve.

Speaker 2:

It's not just that same cookie cutter thing we're going to do every year. It needs to have its own entity and keep moving forward.

Speaker 1:

Well, to not give away too much of the cookie, but there's cookies.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, sorry, don't, it's cookies you have to choose.

Speaker 1:

No we, what we want down, you know, in the end is we want to build a large community around. You know RV adventure, but we also want to maybe take it a step further and do other realms other you know, interests and stuff. So I think this is just the beginning of something that will eventually become something really huge and, honestly, we are 100% in and we understand that the community is also in with us. You know, I kept texting last night during the live you know, we appreciate you so much for growing this with us.

Speaker 1:

You know this isn't us, this is all. Of us are growing this together. You know, rv unplugged isn't just three people, it's a community of people that have this interest. Right, that is just all alike.

Speaker 3:

It's been a lot of fun to watch it grow and evolve.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's such a short time Right.

Speaker 2:

All right, rob, okay so you were. Let's ask Rob a question, so you were not at season one production. You didn't come on till after season one, here to during.

Speaker 4:

No, I forget when, the time I got there.

Speaker 2:

You were there. Yeah, yeah, when you guys just finished and kind of met everybody because I didn't know which was actually the first time we met you, yeah, yeah, so that was my introduction, I guess, to the, to the cast and crew, and I knew most of the crew at that point. So it was nice. Do you feel prepared for season two production? Well, I mean you, not the, not RV unplugged as an entity. I mean you ready for what you think you've gotten into?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, I don't know if you can completely be prepared for everything, but I think we have done a good job at thinking through things based on the lessons learned. And also Stephanie is going to be there and she's doing a lot with the organization and logistics. It has helped me a lot too, because you know, there's just fallen up, there's so many, I call it like fishing lines in the water. You know, with just spreading the word, sure, right, and you know, when it comes to preparing for what's going to happen there, my experience in the military is you just you know you go and you know you get the mission done right. And so I have that mindset, and I think these guys do too.

Speaker 1:

So you know. It's funny is now that Stephanie is, you know, 100 percent in part of the team. How?

Speaker 2:

did we do this I don't know because in one, because it's like well, it wasn't it really just you, it was Todd and I, and then you had your crew of guys, but that was really just the production, right.

Speaker 1:

Right, but all this, all the stuff that Stephanie is doing right now, it's like how did we pull this off?

Speaker 4:

Last year making sure all the it's the finer details of a lot of things.

Speaker 2:

Well right, and I do think too that being the fact that we're here now and you're doing a Camp Martyritaville for season two, there's more logistical challenges than there were in season one. Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Just because you're not in your home base, essentially, but there was still.

Speaker 1:

OK, so we all know, we all know Todd Right, we know and we love Todd. Todd is all hype man he is. He is the life of the party. He's the greatest guy you'll ever meet. Not huge on details, right.

Speaker 3:

But I don't know anybody like that.

Speaker 1:

But one of the smartest people, don't?

Speaker 4:

laugh at that. Smart people you'll ever, you'll ever meet.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he is Right.

Speaker 1:

And then there's me, where I'm also hype, not really detail oriented, but probably a little more, and then you have Stephanie, which is every detail matters, right. So it's a really cool team. And then when, when Rob, I keep on a calm weekend at Bernie's, when we get at Bernie's came on, you're welcome. Thank you. You know he's also very detail oriented and he's putting lists together and stuff. So I you know I don't believe in coincidences at all.

Speaker 1:

I believe the right people are putting your life at the right times every time, and Rob was put in the right place at the right time and you know already, you know, moving from what season one was to now being at Camp Margueriteville having Alliance and Blue Compass and it's just so many amazing sponsors. You know this is meant to happen, you know. And then also to have an amazing crew that came back from season one. You know, venturesome couple, you two, to be there. Yeah, it's. People ask me all the time are you amazed? It's like not with the people we have around us.

Speaker 1:

I'm not that amazed. It's pretty much right there with expectation, you know, because you know one thing my dad had always told me he goes if you surround yourself with people that are way better than you, you'll be successful. I mean, I think that's what I know I've done.

Speaker 3:

Well, and the crew really has a lot of very passionate and brilliant people like right in your own regards. Everybody has something that they're really good at and because y'all are so passionate when you come together, as long as you can get somebody to kind of reign it in the right direction, it is.

Speaker 2:

But recognizing that you need that. Benefit from that. We need to plan that better. And how, how about like a harmony going when we do that?

Speaker 1:

again, I'll go low. Actually, no, rob, you're probably lower. I don't know. I'm going to no match pitch.

Speaker 2:

So, just in case you are listening or even watching in this scenario you don't know who Stephanie is, because we have an actress that her last name. Her name is Stephanie Henson. She's married to Todd, so she's very used to having to reign stuff in, right.

Speaker 1:

So that is Todd's significant other, and yeah them two are amazing. That's what you would call a power couple, right, yeah, no, completely agree, awesome peeps.

Speaker 2:

So what is what are you most excited about for season two? That is a good question, without obviously divulging too much.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, I mean it's, it's really it's. You know, it's like having one of your children, which I happen to have. One of my, my, my oldest son, is actually right behind us filming.

Speaker 2:

He keeps hitting his head on the 10. I feel bad cause. He's like 12 feet tall.

Speaker 1:

He is very tall. He's very tall, but he's actually the one who wrote and produced the RVM plug theme song. Go ahead and play it right there. Go ahead and just press play, yeah.

Speaker 3:

A little space for that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I think what I'm most excited about, um yeah, season two is going to be freaking phenomenal but, I'm I'm super stoked about the finale, the season finale rally, because there is just you ever been to New York? No, no, there is something about going to New York city and you're standing there around all these people. There's an energy Right. People talk about it all the time but and you feel it when you go there, and you kind of feel that same thing when, when you're at a finale rally, when you're sitting around all these people and they're all excited about the same thing who's going to win? And we have the big check that's printed out and we know that you know the contestant that one is super stoked and it's just.

Speaker 4:

It's a big culmination of everything that we work for the entire season and that's what I'm most excited about is is getting to that finale rally and just having a great time with all the people that are making this work the fans, the sponsors you know, yeah, for me, I think the thing I'm most excited about is the the opportunity for the audience to see something, you know, just amped up from the previous season, so for the community, and and really given voice and opportunity to a industry and community that really is underserved in many ways.

Speaker 3:

On that note, can you divulge how the community and the supporters can get involved during the competition?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so we have. We have several ways. So I mean, we have great, great sponsors and they're growing every day. Even you know, here at the 2024 Tampa RV show, you know we're, like said in the Lions booth, which is one of our great sponsors- but we came up with something about that, Of course.

Speaker 1:

Alliance was the first company to say we want to help you with this. And even today Coli said you know we were behind this 100%. You know we want to help grow this community, so just want to cut that out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean they're. I mean they're very much, you know, moved out of the startup phase, but they're, they're growing. They see the, the vision, they believe in the people. You know that, uh, associated with us because they've worked with Todd and Tony and you know me working with um owner education programs and stuff like that. So it kind of got a taste of what you know is possible. And I think when they came up and pitched you know, season one and showed it to them, it was like, yeah, sounds great, let's do it, let's go. Very cool.

Speaker 2:

So so uh, we obviously last night, you guys, uh did the cast announcements.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This is probably a really bad thing that I'm shouldn't ask, but I'm going to do it anyway. Bring it who's your favorite.

Speaker 1:

Who's the wayward wags?

Speaker 4:

They're staying over there. They can't, they're not even listening.

Speaker 2:

The wayward wags over there Because they're not listening, they're immediately disqualified, not from the competition, here's your first challenge Get over here in 10 seconds.

Speaker 3:

I know, look at this?

Speaker 1:

They're not even looking.

Speaker 4:

They're fully, they're fully engaged with the people they're engaged with. Leslie aren't even looking. That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

They're. They're in brand ambassador mode. We'll just keep turning the PA. They are so focused.

Speaker 1:

That is okay.

Speaker 4:

You know okay.

Speaker 1:

Listeners. They are literally 15 to 20 feet away from us and there's a speaker blasting towards them. They're not even looking. Leslie's nodding her head. She's, but she's notting more.

Speaker 2:

I look at that as a commitment to the people they are talking to. I guess they are, that is serious.

Speaker 3:

They are in the zone.

Speaker 1:

You know Dustin, he's probably listening in Dustin and Leslie, so wayward wax.

Speaker 2:

Do you think, if we throw something at them that they might not break, we'll let them?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

You know there's some selling stuff. Watching the video last night. There is some really great personalities in this season.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yes, yes, man, if you want, when you watch that video, the Tessers were a shock to me. Those guys were hilarious.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so can we talk.

Speaker 1:

just I mean we're going to wrap up here in just a little bit, but I think the testers are a perfect example of why I like RV on plug, because they were at the rally.

Speaker 2:

They were at the rally and we had some we'll just say inclement weather during the rally. Was that every day? So if you came to the rally, thank you for putting up with that, because we have still had a phone.

Speaker 4:

I had fun and I'll bet that's an experience to talk about everybody. Everybody had fun.

Speaker 2:

It's like. So we we did get a few coaches might have gotten in over their heads as far as what they can and can't do, and we had to help.

Speaker 1:

They were up to their rims.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's one way to say it Right, and I'll tell you right now, the first person that I didn't have any clue who they were like, how can I help was Jack Tesser by a mom, absolutely. And he literally stayed out there and ankle deep mud for about an hour and a half helping us, and I it's Stacy came up to me at some point during it too and said, hey, do you know anything about them? And I said no, just that he's super willing to do pretty much whatever, because I don't. I mean, he went above and beyond just trying to help and he had no clue any of these people, or he was helping.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, and now they're on the show and they're not influencers.

Speaker 1:

They're not. You know, we have the doves. They're not influencers and they were at the finale rally. So if you want to be on season three, come to the finale rally. That's all.

Speaker 3:

I got you just like saying finale rally. I you know.

Speaker 1:

I accidentally came up with that during the podcast, our first podcast. I said, yeah, we should do the finale rally.

Speaker 2:

I like that Little bell goes off, yeah, so um.

Speaker 1:

yes, finale rally Okay.

Speaker 2:

Rob yours. That's his favorite.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding. Yeah, what's your favorite thing, what's your favorite color? I can take over this podcast.

Speaker 2:

What do you like to drink? I'm going to go get a sandwich. Tony's in charge, yeah, yeah. So no, it's all good, all right.

Speaker 1:

So where can everybody find over going that? Oh, we're not didn't we ask him a question? We did, he's dodging it.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, what was the question?

Speaker 1:

What's your favorite color?

Speaker 2:

No well, these fuchsia with a touch of marine, Um, no. So if you had to pick a favorite, uh contested you think could I'll. Let's do this, because that's I got this.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't saying the wayward wags, it was because they were standing here and I was trying to get the wayward wags. Is attention still?

Speaker 3:

And we still can't.

Speaker 4:

So I know a few of these. You know the contestants already. Right, but I will think that the fact that we have, uh, aaron and Archer on the show will be, I think, a fan favorite, just because you know our yes, cool to watch, right. So I I think that's going to have an interesting component to the show. And, um, because I think all of them are interesting to watch, because you know we watched them last night. It was very entertaining and uh, to watch that, because you know his first episode of plugged in.

Speaker 1:

I think adventure bandits probably has the biggest cheerleading squad on earth. Um, I know what Kevin. Kevin Tabitha. I think laser he's probably the biggest, the biggest blocks the sun.

Speaker 2:

We met him at the Alliance. Here he is a beast navy, veteran dude and chief.

Speaker 4:

That's a tough one.

Speaker 1:

I mean cause it's going to be brains and bronze.

Speaker 2:

Who do you think's going to be the underdog machine? I mean, I don't know if there's an underdog.

Speaker 4:

We got a great, uh, you know a couple, uh, girl campers. You know um. You know Lisa and Mary. I mean they're, they're in in. You know pods, you know like a teardrop pods. So there's, I think, distinct advantages in the equipment and things like that.

Speaker 2:

So okay, Well, guys, thank you so much for sitting down. We have to go. We do have to go. I think people want us to go.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, there you go.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to stay here all day, but that's okay.

Speaker 2:

Well and that, and our next guest is Matt from Matt's RV reviews, and it's going to take me two hours just to get here.

Speaker 1:

You're going to have to chase him down. Yeah, I guarantee he is in his booth right now.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know, yeah, so, but thank you guys so much for chatting. Rv on plugged and working. Everybody find everything. Rv on plugged.

Speaker 1:

Well, you go to RV on plug TVcom.

Speaker 2:

There you go, oh, watch and win.

Speaker 4:

You can plug the watch and win Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So every time you go to RV on plugged TVcom you can watch some shows, get some information, but make sure you click on the watch and win, because that's ever changing. Right now there's a solo stove that we're giving away a free finale rally ticket. Electric wants to give away a electric bike. Brooklyn betting wants to put a bed on there.

Speaker 3:

Gas stops coming.

Speaker 4:

Gas stops coming.

Speaker 1:

A lot of things you don't have to be a contestant to win big. You can win big on the watch and win on RV on plugged TVcom.

Speaker 3:

It's a big change this year.

Speaker 1:

Bump pump pump.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Insert CSI music Drummer Fast cuts. I'm done with you, right, yeah, the theme song.

Speaker 2:

When Lauren's done, we're done. Thank you guys, so much for listening and or watching. And again, we are coming to you live from the 2024 Florida RV Super Show. And a big thanks to Alliance RV for allowing us to infiltrate their booth with all of our craziness. So thank you, guys, and we will see you next week.

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