The Millers in Motion Podcast

EP22 - RV Community and building a custom SpaceCraft RV, and the HDT Truck to pull it with Todd and Sheila from Switch it Up!

April 02, 2024 Millers in Motion Episode 22

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Welcome to the RV Shenanigans Podcast from Millers in Motion, where we embark on adventures and share tales from life on the road. Join us as we explore the joys and challenges of RV living and discover the beauty of traveling this amazing country.


Episode Title:

EP22 - RV Community and building a custom Spacecraft RV, and the HDT Truck to pull it!



Episode Description:

Todd and Sheila from Switch it Up dropped some pretty big news at the 2024 Florida RV Supershow about what they would be doing for a new RV! A brand new MACK HDT truck , to pull there brand new 100% custom Spacecraft RV that will also double as a mobile event center!  We also dive into how they built the “Switch Crew” RV Community and how important community can be when living full time on the road!



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Thank you for joining us on the RV Shenanigans Podcast. Until next time, happy trails and safe travels!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the RV Shenanigans podcast brought to you by Liquified. We are incredibly excited you're here and the response to the podcast has been overwhelmingly positive. So thank you so much for those kind words. Do us a favor If you are enjoying the podcast, we would love it for you to share with somebody. We are trying to grow the audio side of this as well. So while the YouTube side is great, we really want to push the Spotify, apple podcast, google podcast, audible all those versions of it as well. Another big help, if you are to get in and help us out, would be to rate and review the show. Do us a favor, not only leave us a rating, but leave us a little note. We're going to start reading some of those reviews here on the podcast. So if you want to get on the podcast, that's a great way to do it. Now, this show is actually our last. It's not the last show we recorded at the 2024 Florida RV Super Show, but it is the last show that we're going to bring out there, because we wanted to make sure there were no significant changes over the few months while we came out, and there really haven't been, except for the fact that our guests are much closer to finishing their new RV and being in it full time, if not already, by the time this comes out. So, without any further ado, I'm going to quit talking on here and I'm going to dive into the interview. So let's take a quick break and we will join you on the other side from the Florida RV Super Show.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

To learn more about liquefied RV black tank treatment, you can visit liquefiedrvcom. Do us a favor please support the brands that support us, because they enable us to be able to bring you the podcast and the regular videos To purchase liquefied black tank treatment. Please see the link down below. We are coming to you still live from the 2024 Florida RV Super Show and we want to say a big thank you to Alliance RV for letting us come hang out and do live podcast all week from their booth. We're going to switch it up on this show. You like how I did that.

Speaker 3:

You rolled your eyes pretty aggressively on that one. You've never gotten that happy.

Speaker 1:

You had to know it was coming though right, so you planned the role of the eyes. We'd like to welcome Todd and Sheila from switch it up, and I'm going to say RV revolution as well now, because I saw it on the shirt, so I'm going to say it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how are you guys? We're great. Actually, this is the first time we've got to sit down for four days. You're welcome.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

I just have a microphone in your face, and that's how we do that.

Speaker 3:

These chairs are pretty comfy. They are they. I think you're tired.

Speaker 1:

How's the show been going for you guys Great.

Speaker 4:

It is just so fun to just meet and see so many people. That's what I absolutely love about it.

Speaker 1:

That's fun. So if you don't mind, I kind of want to jump back in time a little bit. But what got you guys into RV initially?

Speaker 4:

So in 2019, both Todd and I lost a parent and my dad had a fifth wheel that he had in his barn for waiting for someday when he was going to retire and take that out. And once he passed away, never getting to realize that dream, and then COVID kind of hit and we decided to take it out to the lake and go hang out and we just kind of started to get an idea that this might be something that would be absolutely kind of fun to go do and kind of live what he was going to want to see and do in his honor.

Speaker 1:

Very cool. We're having technical difficulties over there.

Speaker 3:

Y'all can keep going.

Speaker 1:

So, and if I remember correctly, you actually have a tattoo kind of commemorating some of that right.

Speaker 4:

I do. It was that first year we went out to RV. We really thought we were only going to do this for about a year and it was just like a really good healing journey for us and I did. I got my very first tattoo where it just is about hey, just trust, and it says love dad on it. So it's just kind of like my way of saying we went out to experience this in his honor and it's been quite the journey and it's been three years now instead of just one.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. So at what point, during the getting ready to thinking about doing, did the YouTube channel become a thing?

Speaker 2:

Well, what most people don't know is I was one of the original people doing YouTube and I say that right when YouTube started, within probably six to eight months, and most people don't know that. Just our personal family channel, which was just my name, I've probably done almost a thousand videos.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

And most of those videos were probably 25 to 100 views, and so it was always something we did was to share and I just enjoyed the part of it and it wasn't. I knew that it was never going to turn into some sort of big thing, it was just something I was doing. So when we actually hit the road, it was a natural progression to just record. But it felt weird because when you start looking online, you don't know this area. So you see, changing lanes, and changing lanes was given to us when we were buying the RV.

Speaker 2:

As I said, is there any RV like YouTubers, and he goes, yeah, like changing lanes, they have, you know, a grand design, so you should check them out. So they were like our intro into the space. And then what was like, maybe we just come up with a name and maybe we do this, and we didn't think anything would, but he would watch because all of our other videos had 50 to 100 views. So the only people were going to watch our kids and family to see our where we're going, what's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

And then our first two weeks we our first stop was the Tampa RV show and by the time we got here we had a thousand subscribers. And I go Sheila, this is awesome. And she goes what's that mean? I said it's like $25. It's like a little bit of diesel, like a quarter of a tank. And we got here and we had one person recognize us and I was like I can't believe they even know who we are. And then here we are. Community developed from that part, right, and that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Was there anything in that first year that really stands out to you guys, either from the YouTube channel perspective or just general travel?

Speaker 4:

Well, we were going very. We were fast and furious at that point, like we were. We were with the thought that we were only going to be out for a year. We were just out to see all the things like just hurry, quickly go. So we were moving every three to five days. It was a fast pace.

Speaker 1:

I think we put about 36,000 miles on that first year, and the YouTube channel was faster paced too back then, wasn't it?

Speaker 2:

Well, the thing is, we were. I'm a strategic type person, so there's an airplane.

Speaker 1:

Your helicopter, your helicopter.

Speaker 2:

And I'm not flying an airplane at this show this year. Let's put that on the record. When we hit the road, I loved Chad and Tara and I saw that they had done like 400 videos and I was like, well, if you're going to do videos, we'll do three a week, because it's like casting a big net for people to find you. So we had done 148 videos that first year and so we were moving at a very fast pace. But the thing that really stood out was when she used to be an event planner or a church. She's like why don't we meet people and do this? And we scheduled our first event at the fall of that year.

Speaker 1:

Very cool. So at what point, during the YouTube journey and traveling and all those things obviously we know that through the videos everybody sees the destinations and all that stuff, but at what point did you start to notice this community aspect that you guys have now built into this huge thing? But where did that start from?

Speaker 4:

I think that started for us, as he's editing and doing three videos a week and so I'm trying to keep up with the comments. And you start to realize that the same people are watching your channel and commenting and so you start to make those connections and you realize every like or every view or every comment, there's a person behind that and you start making that connection that this username is this person. You try to start making those connections with those people and I was like okay, we're starting to get to know these people digitally. What if we moved and tried to do like a camping event where we move those people from digital into person? And once we did that, we got to meet those faces and we realized the impact of bringing people together and they were making, started to make friendships and they found people that they wanted to camp with. Like, okay, there's something here that we really want to focus on.

Speaker 4:

And that's when we did our very first event in November of that very first year and that just kind of changed the trajectory of what we were going to focus on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we started the huddles. So our first huddle was at Talona Ridge. Who are here at the show, actually? And we were the very first people there as a group.

Speaker 4:

They weren't even finished yet. I mean, the park was not done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you go to Talona Ridge, at the top up by the clubhouse they got a plaque on a rock, which is super cool, to say it is cool. So it was. That's what changed everything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was a turning point for us and we've been to a huddle and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and can speak first-handedly. You know the community that was involved in, how much fun we had and how much heart and soul you guys are putting into that event. It's not just a pay a ticket show up thing. You guys hustled, you created such an environment and we can't thank you enough. It was fantastic.

Speaker 2:

No, it's. I don't think we've ever had a chance to thank you, because you supported us from the beginning. You saw it from the beginning. You showed up and I, I don't know. I just feel like we're a huge community, just as RV YouTubers and everyone. So we should, we should do things together, we should right. Yeah, I think that's cool.

Speaker 1:

Well, and it's. It was our introduction to y'all, even though I almost took you out on the scooter because we were running late. It was pretty good. But we got to meet Jason and Dylan, we got to meet Howard and Cindy and Cindy, and so it opened up our eyes to kind of not just more people on the road but creators, and it's almost like that misery loves company and we all are kind of when you get into YouTube, you're gonna ultimately glutton for punishment a little bit because there's always that person.

Speaker 1:

We know that, but we still enjoy it enough that we want to press through that. So did you plan most of that huddle and you're along for the ride, or how? Because of your event management?

Speaker 2:

background. We're both have our strengths, and she was an event planner for thousands of people, so something we really feel like.

Speaker 4:

This YouTube journey has now married our passions. Todd is passionate about sharing the story and the whole, capturing the moments and sharing that with people, and I'm passionate about bringing those people together, and so I did. I started planning those huddles and then we got some help with somebody that used to work on my team, on our team at church, and we just kind of kept moving those things forward and they just grew legs. It just took off.

Speaker 1:

Did you at any point after that first huddle go? What have I gotten myself into? Or was it just like falling back into old shoes kind of a thing?

Speaker 4:

It was we left and we're like we're exhausted, but oh my gosh, that was fun. And look at the friendships that we have created, like we would have never have met you guys without that right Right and get to other than just a high and a good buy. So, that's just super special to be able to spend more time with people, eat dinner together, hang out, do something fun and create those memories and now we're friends with probably going to be the number one podcast ever.

Speaker 2:

Who knew that's right, Like see how that worked.

Speaker 1:

We have some work to still get up there with Jason and Abby, but we're working on it. We're working on it Labor of love, just like YouTube channel and anything else, right, right. So fast forward a little bit to a little bit. You know, let's just say a few months ago, what's changed between huddles and the switch crew, as you now call it? I think you were just starting to call it that back when we were at the Texas huddle. How is a huddle different now than it was back then?

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's so much happening. Okay, do you want to go over like crew campouts and all the things?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, why not?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so here's the thing.

Speaker 1:

I do like how you asked for permission on that one.

Speaker 2:

No, because we're trying to put it in context because there is so much for somebody that's listening to try to wrap their head around this because it's big it is. So huddles are events that are two to 300 people. A huddle is not a rally, in essence, because we go do things together. Example Tampa last year we rented out a whole dinner cruise and took 200 and some people on a 70s night. We all dressed in 70s gear and we did a dinner cruise together. We've taken them white water rafting, we've done zip lining. So we go do things and we cater meals and we eat together because it's important. Now, from that, sheila's like we need to do smaller events, and so she come up with another idea.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so the whole thought that we can do something smaller and empower the crew. So the crew now host crew campouts all around the United States for just a smaller group of people just to meet up and hang out in a campground somewhere together. It's not something that Todd and I swing if we'll swing by if we're in the area, but there's, I think, 24 of those plans so far for the year and we just have crew camp out hosts. Something that I think is unique to our community is, after you've attended one of our events live, we invite you into a digital Zoom community where they continue to meet weekly on a Zoom call, where they continue to those relationships and building that friendship and stay in contact with each other and then they can meet up all over the United States. So that's pretty special what the crew is building together without us, and that's true.

Speaker 3:

We still have people come up to us and say we met you at the huddle, and we recognize them too. So that really does stick.

Speaker 1:

It's actually happened about five times today, oh yeah, they can't really go.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we hung out with you at the Texas huddle.

Speaker 1:

I barely remember yesterday's lunch, but that's awesome, but that's fun right?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, it is.

Speaker 1:

Well, because then you, at that point you can start reminiscing and then it's almost like again I kind of use the term sliding back in old shoes. It's you can. Oh, you remember when we did this that whatever it was and now it's a catalyst for more conversation is a new thing. So what is the future for the switch crew on the huddle side? Let's start with that because obviously you guys have announced a lot this week, yes, so let's leave that off to the side for a minute.

Speaker 1:

But as far as the crew campouts the huddles, what's that look like going in the 2024?

Speaker 2:

So this year we have three huddles we're hoping for an ask our event, we are gonna be at the balloon festival and the Hershey Pennsylvania show. Am I missing something? Those are the big nuggets, right, Okay? And then from there we have the 24 soon-to-be-more crew campouts.

Speaker 4:

Yes, as far as huddles we're hoping to be able to, space has always been an issue for sure. As we grow. We want to be able to. We're always looking for. Not all RV parks can have an event center in the middle, right where you can hang out where you can have your meals and stuff together.

Speaker 4:

So we're trying to figure out how can we do a huddle or event gatherings where space isn't an issue. Maybe we can go to fairgrounds or big boondocking, open land, blm land, that sort of thing. So we just had to kind of think through how can that look differently and to be able to make them, you know, make that a little bit more affordable for everybody, that it's not at some RV resort, give options for different people for on different budgets catch it okay, so Now we're gonna talk about it the elephant in the room is what we've been calling it, it's what?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

it's really like six elephants lined up in a pretty big, 43,000 pounds of elephants. I I walked past you earlier chat with some people because I was on my way back here from a meeting and I just Just for the fun of it felt like to stick my nose in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not that big really, if you just kept going yeah, yeah sizes all an object? Yes, Whatever? Makes you feel better. How does well act? Let's just talk about it. So you have purchased an HTT truck yeah, and a spacecraft. That's not what's the term spacecraft. Saying it wrong this entire time and she's been correcting you so I keep getting the name of it wrong.

Speaker 2:

It's their terminology was crafting your space. So therefore, space craft, there you go.

Speaker 1:

So, if you don't mind because this is an audio podcast and we're not over there showing it off Can you just talk about what it is essentially and how it was that point, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

When I was talking about the huddles and where space it was becoming an issue. This was our, our idea and our solution for that, like, how can we do events outside of an event space? Well, we would need things like a sound system and and decks for speakers or Musicians and an LED wall. And how can we put all that together and who can do that for us? And actually, spacecraft was the one that said hey, let's see how we can work together to make something that would work for you right, and so that that was born Last year before the Tampa RV show.

Speaker 2:

Wow, you've been working over a year on this this is a. This has been the highest and lowest that we've had, and it's the biggest dream that we could throw out there, knowing there was no way we could afford it. Yeah, and it is a blessing.

Speaker 4:

God opened up some amazing doors and those when you know that you have this idea in this dream, and then you see how Brands like spacecraft and other brands will come alongside of you and say, hey, we believe in the vision and mission of what you're doing inside the Community. We want to partner with you and make this happen.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's just how we got to where we're at, and we are Unbelievably blessed and so grateful so not only is your RV slash home now, it's now your RV slash home, slash Switch, crew headquarters, official event center, all of that all of that office.

Speaker 4:

I had event space.

Speaker 1:

Yes, all of the above all of the above so Because you guys actually had an LED wall, was that just so that you could essentially Film things and then put it up there? Or is that more so, just like if you have something you wanted to watch, like, let's say, the Super Bowl happened to be on? So here's, the thing is this like are still alive, so take it easy over there.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's look at like. We went to the grand design rally and we're sitting around and there's LED walls everywhere and people talking in this, and that I was like, could we, because the spacecraft is built on it. Well, I guess, for the people listening, let's give some statistics. Sure, it is basically a semi chassis. Now spacecraft can build any for anywhere from like 38 foot to 57 foot long, and they've been around 40 plus years.

Speaker 2:

They've done a lot of stuff for the Carnival industry, circus industry, because they use those to do events while they're on the road. So that's their history. But they also do like they just did Will Smith's trailer for his makeup trailer and stuff. So they do stuff for Hollywood. So if you are wanting to do something completely custom, there's very few places you can turn so they can go 38 feet All the way up to the 57 foot. So, and price anywhere is from I don't know seven to $10,000, but we are a foot. So we are 54 feet long. We're 43,000, 260 pounds dry. It's 12,000 pounds on the pin weight for all you techies that are out there.

Speaker 2:

Wow, we have three decks there's a deck on the front, a deck on the back and a deck off the side. There is an LED wall that is on the front of it and it pivots out because a spacecraft on the semi chassis has a flat face Right. So we constructed that so it would pivot out, but it can also pivot out the all the way so we could actually see it on a deck. But the idea was is for our Events, that if whatever we wanted to put on there, we could use it for that, and then on top of it we have two concert speakers, big subwoofer, but that's for our entertainment. That we might have come in or let's say, people are gonna speak or they're gonna give, I don't know. At rallies and stuff they have speakers come up and talk about their products, or so it was designed with all of that in mind, with three to four hundred people sitting out in Seeing it all maybe a live podcast at a hotel.

Speaker 1:

You can sit up on top like no, no, we have a fear of heights over here, cuz the mass goes quicker. I mean, I know how gravity works.

Speaker 2:

But I thought 12 foot deck it's bigger than this tent. You could probably put the tent up there.

Speaker 1:

I tripped going right over there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You could sit on the side patio.

Speaker 3:

I'll be fine, thank you, I like it side.

Speaker 1:

Even that's a little questionable sometimes.

Speaker 3:

I didn't buy the good health insurance. Let's keep him down, okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm under insured is what I just heard. So as far as that goes, is it a mission to use that every time, or is it a combination of the facilities you use and that Rig being a supplemental thing too?

Speaker 4:

I think it's more on the supplemental side. It gives us options, right if we can't find the space, especially when you go out west, there's just, you know, a lot of vast open space and not as many. Rv parks with event space. So it just gives us options for in-betweens.

Speaker 1:

So do you guys ever make like silent bets to each other like how many people can we get in a random like the LM land and try that?

Speaker 4:

wouldn't be fun.

Speaker 2:

We have some special things planned. Oh boy, yes, big things, in fact.

Speaker 4:

The I'm not shocked by the big thing anymore, by the way the RV revolution is our 10 episode Documentary on how this whole spacecraft came to be and and the filming of the creation of how you even how you even build such a Thing, and we're gonna end that with a rally very cool in Arizona desert area together. So we've got some thoughts and plans on utilizing that out.

Speaker 1:

In the middle of nowhere Can people already sign up for that, or is it not yet? Absolutely Okay, so we'll make sure and put that in the description for YouTube and then the show notes on all of the Podcast apps out there.

Speaker 3:

So if you're interested in joining them.

Speaker 1:

We will make sure and put that down below. So you guys I mean because I'm seeing dual brands now with the RV revolution and switch it up is Is it an extension of, is it a transformation, is it a own individual thing? Is it gonna continue past that documentary? Well, here, go ahead, you got this too, because we were kind of like in different.

Speaker 2:

We kind of when we when, when we hatched this idea Switch it up is not going away. I think that was one of the things that some of the People that are watching from the outside it's still gonna be the same. The problem is is when you do something like this, like a 10 episode series, it does get confusing. So we thought we'd try something different switch it up.

Speaker 1:

We had in the podcast. We understand it. So our main channel.

Speaker 2:

So RV revolution TV is is basically the introduction to the 10 episode series and we have it so people could pay to watch, but they're gonna receive perks. Now the problem on YouTube, which you probably run into if you try to do a giveaway, the minute you do the giveaway you get people spamming. So you get hey, you know, do this stock market thing or so and so and so, to protect the what is it 13? Plus sponsors that we have and the trust, we decided that we would Go ahead and put it behind a paywall and then what they can do in return is on Tuesdays, when we launch every episode. Anyone that's in the RV revolution TV scenario they can be entered into those and we don't have to worry about the other stuff, the influence.

Speaker 2:

So now we've we have the trust of the people that are watching that they don't have to be spammed. Right, they get the benefit of thousands of dollars of perks each week and it's just, it's gonna seem like a good balance, but nobody's done this before. So when you do something that nobody's done, there's gonna be people that don't like the idea, and we totally understand it. But then again, if you don't try it, then you don't. You don't know really how it's gonna turn out.

Speaker 4:

But we do see this going beyond, kind of like you know there's Millers in motion and you have RV shenanigans. Yes like it's the. This is just an extension of switch it up and it's gonna. It's gonna has its own little flavor, but we'll have both.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha Okay. So about the rig itself. It was did you want the HTT first or did you want the rig and you had to get the HTT? Because I know that that kind of it's a chicken or egg conversation, right we?

Speaker 4:

started off just with thinking that the HTT would allow us to get the toys out of the toy hauler that we currently have.

Speaker 1:

Because I'm not gonna lie. Every time I saw Todd look at an HTT, he got a little sparkle in his eye. Oh yeah, yep.

Speaker 4:

And I enjoyed the thought of getting the toys out of the back, you know, getting the dirt out of my, out of the rig.

Speaker 1:

Well, and you guys had a lot of stuff back there. It was pretty jammed, wasn't it? Oh my goodness, that's ridiculous, okay.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we had the motorcycle washer and dryer, two kayaks, two e-bikes, a scooter, a one-wheel.

Speaker 1:

Grille Todd when he's in trouble.

Speaker 4:

The grill. Like yes, like there was no room to put Todd when he was in trouble yeah, there was no room for me back there, hey, no doghouse means no, never mind yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can push the limits further, yeah, yeah. Gotcha, so so did the, so the truck came first, essentially.

Speaker 4:

The idea of the truck was let's, we could always pull our current RV with that truck.

Speaker 2:

So, and the truck is not very expensive. I think that's the the misconception. That's the misconception, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, Cause you see those things and you think of a brand new. What brand is yours?

Speaker 4:

I don't even know I'm sorry, we have a Mac, it's a Mac.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you think of a brand new Mac or a Volvo or whatever, but we assume they're hundreds of thousands of dollars, which I mean they can be.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely brand new, but the you know those things are built to be on the road for a really long time. And as RVers we're not going to put the miles on it that over the road trucker does.

Speaker 1:

Well, most RVers you guys, first year, this and that.

Speaker 4:

Well, we did a lot, but still not what a professional truck driver does. And so, yeah, we spent $65,000 on that truck and that's, I mean, that's a pretty good deal.

Speaker 2:

I think what people need to keep in mind. We found Jesse by accident, actually, as we were trying to. It was another God opened a door scenario, like if we got this, who would even fix it for us, and we made the relationship with him. It was great. But let's, let's put it perspective for a listener, because we didn't understand this. If you, if you buy a truck for 40 to 60,000, which is pretty common you have to modify it to your mission profile, things that you might want to have on a smart car, a motorcycle, whatever. That can cost anywhere from 35,000 to 80,000, 100,000. And depending on how much stuff you want to do Now.

Speaker 2:

but if you go on a lot of the Facebook websites for used, you can find one already modified for a smart car and get the whole thing for 90. And think you're buying 450s out there for $140,000.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say I mean, if you got, if you went and got a 450 platinum right now, I believe they're retailing somewhere in the 120 ish range.

Speaker 4:

So this is really a much more economical option and you just you, that blew my mind and you feel safer because you can stop faster, Like there is just some very huge perks to that.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha. So with with all that being said now, is the truck officially done or is there anything left to do with the truck?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think Jesse has his websites haul haulerscom, by the way, if you're. If you're looking for somebody to modify something, because there's very few people across the United States that do it, sure, but I think he has about two weeks in. An average modification on a truck build is probably going to be three months.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so he hopes to have that finished up by the end of of January and then we're going to come back down here, pick it up and take the take it up to paint so that the paint will match the truck and the RV will match together.

Speaker 1:

Yep Helps if I don't meet myself. So you are going to actually paint it and you're having people vote on that, if I recall.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say. I remember seeing an option when I looked at it the other day.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's three options. They were just getting people's opinions, they're helping us figure out one. Somebody helped me really just crotch out the left one because they said, hey, that looks like a Philadelphia Eagles helmet design. I'm like, oh, it's done, it's over.

Speaker 1:

We already have packer colors for the most part, so I'm good with really anything.

Speaker 2:

You know, I was born in Green Bay, right, Were you really? Yeah, no, I did not know that. I was I grew up. My family is on O'Connell Falls, which is north of their 30 miles, so are you a chief's fan too. Yeah, I am. Well, I'm not, truth be told. I watch some football, but I don't live and die by football, really yeah.

Speaker 1:

But you do more. I was going to say she does.

Speaker 3:

She does fantasy football.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, really. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, it's crazy. So the truck is kind of in line Now did you actually order the RV simultaneously with the truck, or was that? How did that all play?

Speaker 3:

out. How's the timing on?

Speaker 1:

that this is crazy.

Speaker 2:

So when you watch the documentary, because you will, yes, because you are going to be blown away on how this worked. But we actually put down the deposit. I don't even know how we did this.

Speaker 2:

We put down the deposit, sheila's like let's just design it, because there's a design phase, and just see what it's going to look like for the RV, right, and then it went. What are we going to do? I don't. How are we going to pull it? And we went after the, after last year's Tampa show, we went to Margaritaville, which you guys will be there soon we were there last week, yeah and so we were at Margaritaville and we ran into the mayor Everyone knows Rob and Rob's like come, go on a drive with us. So we're driving in his truck and I'm driving it learning about it. That's terrifying. And he goes hey, I got somebody you need to meet. He didn't know what we were doing. And he literally drives up to Jesse and we get out and we meet Jesse and we get back in. I'm like, did God just give us somebody to fix this thing?

Speaker 4:

Like that was the weirdest coincidence, we hadn't picked out a truck yet, like that was something, we were just all the wheels were turning and we're like all the things that we would need to do if we were going to go this direction.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So that's how that worked. Yeah, that's awesome. We were big on, we said, when we were thinking about going full time just to reinforce the God opens and closes doors thing. We were big on when we were getting ready to full time and we had a ranch and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

And you guys kind of know the basics of our story and we kind of said well, we'll just keep going through doors and we'll see how it goes. And sometimes when you do this in life maybe the previous things it's amazing how fast some of those come back in your face, right, and you just have to acknowledge them and go cool, not that one and just be present enough to know that it's slammed in your face and not blow through it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was. The other thing was that, when doors open, that you do in fact walk through them right. That you don't see that, and then back away, and so as when the doors open, we do say yes, even if it's uncomfortable to walk through those.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're scared, I don't want anyone to listen to this and think, oh, they got it figured out.

Speaker 1:

No, we're scared to death.

Speaker 2:

We're scared of the opinions, we're scared of where it's going to go, we're scared of, but we also feel like this is the doors have opened and we feel like the impact can be huge. Sure, just the RV industry and the RV community itself.

Speaker 1:

So when is the rig officially all components done and keys in hand and there goes everything on the table.

Speaker 3:

Well, what's the goal? Let's rephrase that Okay, what's the project? You know how?

Speaker 4:

construction works. This is the same way. The goal is hopefully from paint. We will actually take this possession by the end of February, 1st of part of March.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and that's from them. They're Gazarian Kansas right? Yes, Well. Missouri.

Speaker 4:

They're in Corners and then it's going up to CDI is a sponsor for us for doing paint, so it'll go up to the paint factory there and then it'll. Then we'll hopefully take it by the end of February.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and then everyone's like well, what are you driving? Are you getting a Jeep? We actually now have a brand new sponsor with Bronco Nation. So we actually are proud owners of Broncos and we're excited because they have these things called off rodeos, bronco off rodeos, where they teach you how to go off road and anyone can go to them. So we're going to do a crew camp out and bring a bunch of people to drive Broncos off road. There's going to be so many exciting things this year that when we tell people is like you don't understand, just join the revolution thing, because you don't know what they're getting ready to allow us all to do. It's going to be absolutely insane.

Speaker 1:

Well, you were. We were talking probably about three to four weeks ago and you were teasing some stuff.

Speaker 2:

It's big, it's big.

Speaker 1:

And it's even I mean even as big as the coach and everything else is. It's really. That's just a drop in the hat compared to what's really going on for 2024 and past.

Speaker 4:

That's really just a tool for the mission.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's it.

Speaker 4:

It's just a tool to move the mission forward.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I do have a couple of questions about the coach itself. So are you concerned about campgrounds? Or because I mean, how long are you when you're completely hooked up?

Speaker 4:

Completely hooked up. We completely hooked up. We are 77 feet, so like 12 or 13 feet longer than we currently are.

Speaker 1:

See, we're not that long that's a big difference here's the thing.

Speaker 2:

I've never towed anything this big. I've never drove anything this big. So the the YouTube content alone of me running over mailboxes and or she was like I can see it now we're going to be like going into an RV spot and she's going to have the spot picked and she goes in and checks in and we're driving and we get to a corner. I'm like I can't make this corner and now we're stuck. This is the fear, right? So buckle up, because the YouTube content is going to be absolutely great About middle of March.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, I can't even imagine what we're in for Are they even going to believe you when you call in to?

Speaker 2:

make a reservation. Listen to what happens to Sheila. This is good, that's typically what?

Speaker 4:

like? I've been calling and making reservations and and when they say well, how long is your RV? Just, you know your RV? And I'll say well, the RV is 54 feet and they're like no, no honey.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

What I mean is how, without your vehicle?

Speaker 3:

I'm like no, it's 54 feet or actually, if you want the whole thing Right.

Speaker 1:

So do you have like kind of some pre done ideas, when you're not huddling essentially or you're not somewhere, to kind of?

Speaker 4:

pretty much done with this year, like I have this year January to January. Yeah, it's booked, it's planned out. We're we're good to go.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel a little more pressure now to like really plan far out, simply because of that size?

Speaker 4:

Absolutely, and there's not as many places and we do have to. I have to do a lot more Google earthing of. Okay, can we make this corner that sort of thing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah we're going to really share with people what this is like. So if they ever wanted to do it, they'll have a kind of a I don't know a guide Sure In a way, because they'll either going to see us mess up or learn differences.

Speaker 1:

I was about to say it depends on the week Right, when we're like this is genius, I'm doing it the next week, never mind.

Speaker 2:

I'm just so happy not to have leaf springs. That's true. I mean, moride, that would have been the first thing we would have done has changed Now that we know I'm after losing leaf springs like four times and all those.

Speaker 3:

You don't have to buy a custom rig in order to get that. I know, that's what I'm saying, moride, like we did a video on that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I would do leaf spring or MoRide independent, like out of the box period you did that we did that I don't. I'm so tired of leaf spring and I'll tell you too.

Speaker 1:

So does the new coach have that, or is?

Speaker 2:

it in some system, because just think of like a semi chassis.

Speaker 1:

So I can tell you have you driven a coach with the independence Like a normal coach?

Speaker 2:

not your semi. Thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'll tell you, going from the rig that you saw us in in Texas to the current one. It is longer, heavier, all those things, and I hardly can tell it's even back there anymore. That's awesome, so it trust me, it was a. I told her so as soon as we take this thing, we are immediately going over there and yeah we put all of about four and a half miles on our leaf springs.

Speaker 1:

And they came off so oh hey, now it's really raining, All right. So what are travel days going to look like now with the new rig?

Speaker 2:

Well, since we have this new Bronco, the thing is is that I am scared to drive because I don't know what to expect, being 77 feet, so Sheila has not really driven for the last three years and so with the Bronco gives her the opportunity to do that. But I'm looking at her as a pilot car scenario where I can be in, like Atlanta, georgia, which is horrible. She can be behind me, move over to a lane, clear the lane so I can make changes.

Speaker 3:

That's smart.

Speaker 2:

So we only drive that probably three to five hours a day anyway.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we're together 24 seven and she hates my driving, so this could be like a win-win for a season, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's definitely a video.

Speaker 4:

It's truth, it'll be a good little break time.

Speaker 2:

Or be life baby. I mean, there's women out there right now going. I know, I know that guy.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure Lauren only goes on runs for a little moment of silence.

Speaker 3:

That's the truth.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not running. So okay, guys. So what are some of the goals for the whole thing? Like we're talking big 10 year plans, like is it just to keep growing, keep growing? Or are we looking at a hot air balloon at the balloon fiesta, the big green and white thing?

Speaker 4:

I think the biggest thing really is just we take one year, one day at a time, and we do what we feel like we're led to do, and that's all we can do. That's a great answer. I love it.

Speaker 2:

We've been on the road three years and it's hard to believe that this is our fourth show. And man, I mean think about it. That first year a thousand subs, one person recognizes. Now we're sitting there in a spacecraft booth starting over. It's like the journey starts over.

Speaker 2:

Like hooking up for the first time, driving for the first time the fears of everything that we had the first time we're starting over, but this time we're doing it with thousands of people in the Switch Crew, and Switch Crew is just not like. I don't want to say that it's not independent, it's all of us, Like you know. If you guys, we had a big event and you brought all of your community to it, we're all together. We just gave an identity to those that are following us real close, and that's why the RV revolution is a little more neutral and it allows all of us to participate and to do something.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's awesome. So I do have one listener question Are you guys up for that? Absolutely, fire away, fire away. And I have a question too, to add to all that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, go ahead. So I'll take the first Q&A Did you have to get a special license to drive something different?

Speaker 2:

Currently I have a non-commercial CDL license in the state of Kansas, so we are looking. We have a month now to figure out and go through that, specifically because there's a lot of questions that come into play. It will not have any logos. It is going to be our home. We do call it like an event trailer because nobody can wrap their head around what it is. Simply, it's just our home and we have a deck on top that we can sit in the balloon you know balloon fiesta and watch things happen or send under the stars. There's a lot of perks that we can use this thing for, but it really is nobody's done anything, so it's hard to describe to people. So we just started using descriptive words to try to figure out how to relay the message.

Speaker 1:

Shorten the answer as much as you possibly can.

Speaker 4:

But every state has different licensing requirements, so everybody just needs to check whatever like. In the state of Kansas, what is required is different than what is required in the state of Pennsylvania.

Speaker 1:

So you have to just dig in and see what you would need in your state, as is full-time RV life, just due diligence across the board.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

So have you seen the video at this last year's balloon fiesta of the balloon hitting the top-slash side of the RV? Yes, do you have concerns?

Speaker 4:

No, I think we're just going to catch a ride Like we'll just hang on If they hit us, we'll just so it's like a sport just stand up on that deck. Maybe try to like basketball it or something. Yeah, when you watch the doc Extreme hot air ballooning yeah that is funny.

Speaker 3:

We are not encouraging this, but it would be entertaining.

Speaker 2:

When you watch the documentary on how the spacecraft's made, it's ridiculous Like the whole roof is made out of, like thick fiberglass. Yeah, I was like, will I ever have to worry about hail? And he started laughing. He goes no, we've had him in baseball-sized hail.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

He goes, they'll knock off all the air conditioners and you'll have all that, but but the structure is fine, the structure yeah, so I guess we'd be hit by a hot air balloon.

Speaker 4:

Is that what you're trying to say? I don't. I'm thinking that.

Speaker 1:

I was about to say let me reframe the question. Yeah, are you concerned about hurting a hot air balloon? Maybe? Okay, that could be a thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, they might take the lights out on top, like the string lights. It could be. Yeah, you don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just framed the question wrong. I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're fine. I realized I was dealing with a tank as an RV. It's crazy to see how it's made. It's solid.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so back to our listener question. They did not leave their name and I know you've been fielding this one all day, and you know that I'm not going to shy away from it. Minus give you a little bit of a heads up, which I did. So are you worried in any capacity that you may lose some viewers with the new coach?

Speaker 4:

We know we're going to lose some viewers with the new coach, but it doesn't worry me, because when you know what you'rewhy you're doing it and you know your heart and you know the mission and the impact that you're trying to make, that comes before everything else. So what we're about and what we're trying to do is more important than somebody's opinion.

Speaker 2:

Right, and here's the thing Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

And I actually appreciate that when they say I don't understand this or it's too big, or this, and that it's only because, until they see what's happening, until they see the full scope of how we even pulled this off and the sponsors stepping up, they're entitled to be having this idea of like, well, I'm not going to follow because of this, orbut then on the flip side, they're like keep going, this is awesome, and then all the peopleso people will need a time to adjust Like I understand that to see what's going to happen next but we're notI don't think we're super worried on that.

Speaker 4:

There's probably a lot of fear and ignorance that's portrayed onto you because, of their own right now, when you do something new, when you're a pioneer in a space and you want to try something that's just different, we're going to take the shots and that's okay, because we know our heart, we know our mission and we're very focused on that.

Speaker 2:

God's got it.

Speaker 1:

There you go, and that is the perfect ending, right there, because that sums it all up.

Speaker 4:

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So thank you guys so much for joining us on the podcast. Best of luck towing that, todd Sheila. Try your hardest not to kill them.

Speaker 4:

I will film while he's.

Speaker 2:

She'll be in the Bronco in the back going. Oh no, this is going to be a good one.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait for the commentary from her, as you're driving.

Speaker 2:

She does that a lot.

Speaker 1:

There may be more of it now.

Speaker 2:

Yes, awesome guys. Well, congratulations.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for having us. Congratulations on the new rig. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

We love it. And we got a little added bonus because Jason is here and we love Jason too, so we've got him to hang out.

Speaker 2:

Just so a little side note. Jason is editing for ourand he has his channel are not so perfect life, but he is editing for the documentary because he isyou got to know your limitations. Sure, the dude's skillful. So the whole documentary isit's highs, lows, emotions, and I feel like it's really something that nobody's done before. So I thank him because of the time and energy.

Speaker 1:

it's been blessing me, so I'm justI'm sorry, I'm working. No, I'm going to go a little bit. Who shot most of it? Is it just kind of the vlog style stuff you did, or is it done differently? We?

Speaker 2:

did it completely different. It's a concept. Sheila's like okay, I need to know this and that. Well, kind of like you shoot the podcast, you don't script anything. So it's kind of in my head. And then she's like write something down. And then she writes, I write down the general outline, and then we came up with a concept of how it's shot, in a structure where people don't get all the vloggy shakiness all the time, but it isit does flash back and forth and it is a story. And Jason's taken that and crafted it into a story. It reallythe first episode's out, it's free. So go RV Revolution, episode one, and it'sthe way he's done. It is amazing.

Speaker 4:

It's telling you, it's different.

Speaker 1:

It's Netflix worthy. It's my opinion, I think so. Maybe that's next.

Speaker 3:

Well, for anybody who doesn't know, Jason is phenomenal. He is highly skilled.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I agree, y'all are very lucky to have him yeah, yeah yeah, yes, we are.

Speaker 1:

I'm just watching him, seeing if he's going to react to any of this. He's our friend.

Speaker 3:

He's sitting on a magazine so his push doesn't get wet and we met him because of a huddle.

Speaker 4:

That's all came together, woven all together. It's like somebody had a hand in all of it.

Speaker 1:

Awesome guys. Thank you again so much, and we just want to say one more big thank you to Alliance RV for allowing us to set up at the 2024 Florida RV Super Show. We still have more episodes to come in the future week, so make sure and check those out. Todd Sheila, thank you guys so much.

Speaker 4:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Go switch it up USAcom.

Speaker 2:

Just go switch it upcom. I got close, you were close, I mean we, we want to go global at some time.

Speaker 1:

There you go, there you go, so you get to ship it to the UK. I'm just kidding. Could you imagine driving that over there? But could you?

Speaker 2:

we have an idea for over there If you guys would like to come. I love anything. Okay, Now we're going long, but this is a shot. So over in the UK they have these boats that are like long boats.

Speaker 1:

Yes, the canals.

Speaker 2:

And we want to do that with a bunch of us, and then we take those and go down and stop and we shoot, we hang out.

Speaker 1:

I'm in if he's not driving.

Speaker 2:

No, you're driving your own boat.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say, I mean as long as we have our own boats.

Speaker 2:

I just want to be behind him. We do like our own caravan. Yeah, We'll do a boat caravan.

Speaker 1:

Even if we don't at 2024, even if it's just the four of us, and then Jason and Dylan yeah we're in.

Speaker 3:

That sounds good. That sounds fun. That's a longer stretch than I was going for so far. Okay, all right For the third time, sorry, sorry, that's okay. Squirrel vision, squirrel.

Speaker 1:

For the third time. Thank you to Alliance RV for having us out. Make sure and stay tuned for the next upcoming episodes. We have a handful more guests coming. Sheila, thank you so much for joining us. Have a great week everybody.

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