The Millers in Motion Podcast

EP20 - International Travel and whats next for Today is Someday (oh and maybe a little RV Unplugged!)

March 19, 2024 Millers in Motion

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Welcome to the RV Shenanigans Podcast from Millers in Motion, where we embark on adventures and share tales from life on the road. Join us as we explore the joys and challenges of RV living and discover the beauty of traveling this amazing country.


Episode Title: EP20 - International Travel and what’s next for Today is Someday (oh and maybe a little RV Unplugged!)



Episode Description:

First of we can’t express how much we appreciate our friendship with Phil and Stacy from Today is Someday! We got very used to camping with them for almost 3 months between a New Years hang out, the Florida RV Super show, and Season 2 Production of RV Unplugged we have gotten to know them so much better and they are not only great friends but amazing people that do amazing things for the RV and Military Communities!


Any chance we have to have them on the show we will take it!  In this episode we chat about the resent International travels, what the future of RV travel looks like to them, and maybe a little RV Unplugged!



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Thank you for joining us on the RV Shenanigans Podcast. Until next time, happy trails and safe travels!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the RV shenanigans podcast presented by liquefied. My name is Ryan and, along with my wife Lauren, we are Millers in motion. We have a handful of these podcasts coming to you, still from the Florida RV Super Show, but we are very much so in earring the end. So we have a huge favorite to ask what do you guys want to hear? We've done everything from industry news and inside stuff. We've addressed particular topics and we do have a handful left that we're recording at the moment, and then we've also done a bunch of RV destination kind of how we live in our rig, that kind of stuff. So we want to know what you guys want to hear. We've given you kind of a blanket coverage of everything and we've absolutely loved doing that, but we want to start dialing it into what exactly you guys want. So let us know. If you're watching this on YouTube, you can do that in the comments below. If you are listening to this on your favorite podcast platform, you can actually send us a message over on Instagram, or feel free to shoot us an email at info at Millers in motion.

Speaker 1:

All right, so this week's guest are some of our favorite people on the planet. We met them originally way back when, a few weeks before the filming of season one of RV unplugged, I got to know at least Phil really well. During season one of RV unplugged and leading up to the Florida RV super show, we had literally hung out with them for like almost two months straight. We spent New Year's with them, we spent the show with them, because we were camp next to each other while we were attending the show. And then we went to season two, filming of RV unplugged, together, where we camp next to each other and kind of leaned on each other, cause if you've never well, a lot of people have never been through a production like that it's draining is probably the best word and Lauren had to fly back during some of it. So Phil and Stacy took care of me during that time. So we're very appreciative. But I just said who we're having on. But without any further ado, let's dive into this week's guest, our first repeat guest, our really, really good friends over at. Today is Sunday, phil and Stacy, let's take a quick break and dive into the interview.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

To purchase liquefied black tank treatment. Please see the link down below Music playing. And we are coming to you still live. This is actually our very last oops, second to last. Sorry, I forgot about the add-in show. Never mind, we're still coming to you live from the 2024 Florida RV Super Show and we want to say a big thanks to the team over at Alliance RV for letting us kind of crash their party and set up shop over here and bring you all of our friends and guests and industry insiders and all that stuff we've been doing all week long. You guys have slowly become some of our really good friends on the road because we've been hanging out, it feels like, for about the last two months. We want to welcome Phil and Stacy from. Today is Someday. How are y'all?

Speaker 4:

Thank you. We're good and we are loving it. We've had some great times together already and we can't wait for more.

Speaker 2:

I think you mispronounced good times with shenanigans.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say shenanigans.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I didn't mean it. Through proper synergy, is that the?

Speaker 2:

term. Yes, that's right, shenanigans, is it?

Speaker 1:

I will say you guys are also our first official repeat guest.

Speaker 3:

Woo, I love being first. Wow, you got our first guest and our first repeat guest. Dang, we rock you too. Good job.

Speaker 1:

In addition to that, last night you guys hosted a little meetup that was sponsored by RV, unplugged our good friends over there that we're getting ready to shoot season two with, but, if you guys don't mind, what was the point of the meetup? What did we do? All that good stuff.

Speaker 4:

This is one of our awesome epic fundraisers that we do all year long. We've been doing since we started our YouTube channel, and this is our second year joining forces with not only RV Unplugged but the local Elks Lodge, and our mission, of course, is to raise money for our veterans in need. So last night, thanks to the sponsorship of RV Unplugged, we raised a total of $12,000 for our veterans. Yes yes, so we are super thrilled.

Speaker 2:

And that is three times as much as we raised last year.

Speaker 4:

Is it really? Yes, that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

So, it's amazing, it was just over 4,000 last year, and it just shows that the RV community is, and always will be, just awesome. I mean, there's no other way to say it the RV community. Every time we ask of them, they always answer and they don't hesitate.

Speaker 1:

So last night was a great, great event. Yes, in addition to that, it was just fun.

Speaker 4:

Oh my gosh, it was so much fun, and that's what we love about the community is we all get together. Everybody there makes connections. They meet up later on down the road and it was I don't know it was a great night. I was exhausted, but it's so worth it.

Speaker 3:

It is, and I'm going to say thank you for being the voice right, because you're leading those things and you are the voice for certain veterans that may not have one otherwise. So not only are you pivotal and bringing people together, you're pivotal in getting that where it needs to go.

Speaker 4:

And thanks. But you know, really most people want to give back, they want to figure out a way to pay it forward and volunteer or donate, and they just don't know where to start. So you know, we are really happy to lead people there and, you know, help them make a difference because they want to.

Speaker 1:

Right, well, again, thank you guys so much for doing that. I know that that money is going to go to a couple of good causes across not just Tampa, but homes for our troops, absolutely so. It's been a little while since you guys have been on YouTube and got on the road and all that, but let's back up. Why are you laughing at that, phil it?

Speaker 2:

seems like yesterday. It's been almost six years. Has it been six? Yeah, we're getting close to it.

Speaker 1:

So we want to kind of backtrack all the way to the beginning. What ultimately got you guys on the road?

Speaker 2:

Stacy told me we're going to do it. That's usually how most things work in the house.

Speaker 1:

No, it's normal.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, really, you know it was a culmination of a lot of things. The kids were leaving the nest. I was looking to downsize. Phil had been gone for 18 months overseas by himself and he came home and my nurse practitioner job had me working so much he actually saw me more on FaceTime when we were apart than when he got there. So we were just trying to find a way to get some time back from when Phil was in the military and really are being fit the bill for us.

Speaker 2:

Gotcha spot on it. The downsizing is what we were really looking at. So we were we were going to Move houses because it was just us two, so we didn't need all that space, and she convinced me that we could always get another house later. The rv would be the great vehicle to get out and see our own country, because we did travel a lot overseas. And um it just it. It took some convincing, but once I agreed to her, her uh, move.

Speaker 4:

In other words, he agreed to purge all his stuff. That's really what he's saying.

Speaker 2:

That was the hardest part, but I got to tell you it was probably the best decision that we could have made as a couple. Yeah, back in 2017, when we decided To jump in and go so did you guys have our being experienced prior to that?

Speaker 4:

Zero, not a drop of zero camping as a family, zero RVing as a family. When we were kids we dabbled a little bit with our families, but never once we joined the military and got married.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm surprised how many people say that, that they really had zero experience before they got into RVs. I could spell RV that was about it, it just really, I mean, it's something that you saw.

Speaker 2:

I mean we drove by Uh, a campground close to our house and that was it. We just drove by it, never gave it a second look. And then we ended up Going there for the first two months that we were out of the house and it really started to open our eyes to how much the RV community was there, what it could do for for us as a couple.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, very cool.

Speaker 1:

So when you guys hit that road that first time was it? Did you have a time frame in mind or was it just we're gonna go and see what happens?

Speaker 4:

Well, originally we said a year. We'll give it a year. And you know, see, if I really like it, because you know it's so different than a regular of sticks and bricks life. So, um, we gave it a year and by the time we were I don't even know if we were more than three months in we were already like this is it? I, we're not stopping.

Speaker 2:

No, we. That's when we shifted from calling the RV the RV and started calling it our house. That's when we knew we were kind of on to something and you know it's, it's been you know no. Looking back since, right.

Speaker 1:

So more recently now you've seen a lot of this country at this point right.

Speaker 4:

Um yeah, not everything. We still have a long way to go, but we have checked a lot of boxes and, and you know she says that, and we really haven't even scratched the surface.

Speaker 2:

Yeah we've seen a lot, we've met a lot of great people, but yet we haven't.

Speaker 1:

So more recently. Now, though, you guys are starting to dabble in international travel.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

So what spurred that on?

Speaker 4:

Well, you know honestly, for full-time RVers, five years is the average lifespan for a full-time RVer. Usually they're ready to do something new and try something else, and a lot of times that means buying another house and we're not ready to do that. We're not done traveling. We just want to mix it up a little bit and change where we're going and some of the ways we're traveling. Gotcha.

Speaker 2:

And you know, when we were in the military, we were on different ships at one time and our ships would meet Overseas in a foreign port. Um, hong Kong was our first port that we. We were both there together and we both got to explore and and See a different side of of. You know the country and it just it it's burned, that it's to just continue to travel and explore and that's what we're going to continue to do.

Speaker 4:

So and you know I I really believe when you experience other cultures and other countries and when I say cultures I even mean cultures in our country I mean the culture in Boston is so different than New Orleans and California so you do experience different kinds of people, different cultures, different way to do things.

Speaker 4:

In the us, as well as in other countries, you grow as a person you understand People better, you see where they're coming from and I think for me that's a big part of it. I want to see, you know, we were in just in Italy for 30, 40 days and I wanted to immerse myself in their culture. I wanted to kind of get to know the people, how they lived, what they do. I just think it makes you a better person and you can understand their viewpoint.

Speaker 1:

So obviously in the navy you guys were deployed all over the place, but so outside of that, did you have a lot of experience with international travel?

Speaker 2:

We had taken a few trips, uh, here and there, while I was on leave, and, um, you know, it was it. It's, it's completely different, because when you, for me, I had two weeks of a vacation at a time, so we would, we would, you know, go, go, go, hurry, hurry, hurry. Well, you didn't really have time to get out and linger and, like we did in Italy, immerse yourself, sure, because you've got to get there, you got to see it, you got to check the box, you move on, then you've got to get back, because now you got to go back into work mode and for a two week vacation for us, after about seven or eight days, my mind had already switched back to work mode.

Speaker 2:

So, and I was really, you know, cheating us on our vacation because I was ready to get back right now we just we take our time you know we like to and a lot of our travels we come back to those places because we found that we weren't there long enough and we'll come back, so that now it's just allowed us to slow down and really get out and get to see these places and enjoy them.

Speaker 1:

So obviously you guys were in Italy for 40 days. You said yes. So was that just straight Airbnb? Did you move around a little bit?

Speaker 4:

We did a 30-day Airbnb. So we were just south of Naples, in like a small town, and then from there we did the rest of the time in Rome. So it wasn't Airbnb, and you know, we went to the local market, we bought fresh bread, we got to know the shop owners, we got to know our neighbors. We started running into people in town that we had met and they were like hey, how's it going? It was really interesting.

Speaker 2:

And it was really good to try your hand at a different language.

Speaker 4:

Bill actually did really good. We won't talk about my language skills.

Speaker 2:

I tried as much as I could and, believe it or not, the locals appreciate it. That you're at least giving it an effort. Now we were butchering the language, but they appreciate it, they understand that you're trying and that helps them as well, because language barriers anywhere make it harder. But we really tried to immerse ourselves and just be with one within the city or the town that we were in.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say and I can speak to that too, because I travel internationally quite a bit and I tell people all the time when you go, just learn a little bit, you don't have to have a lot, just try to say hello, how are you, thank you, and then maybe learn how to ask do you speak English in their own language. And the appreciation you get just for trying that butchure.

Speaker 2:

It don't butcher it, it just warms them up a little bit better and that was the word that we heard a lot is they appreciated us at least attempting, because you get a stereotype if you go over there and you expect everyone to speak your language in their country. So every little bit helps.

Speaker 1:

And you said expect they appreciate it. Normally there's some giggling in there.

Speaker 4:

First because, like a lot of people laugh at me a lot. That was horrible.

Speaker 2:

But a genre no, and just didn't come off.

Speaker 1:

So now we say that, Phil, you got to hit us with a little bit if you've.

Speaker 4:

Oh good, grave, did you already data?

Speaker 2:

dump yeah.

Speaker 1:

Reach back into the archives. Oh my gosh, and he was good at it too.

Speaker 2:

Well, we did a lot of you know how.

Speaker 1:

about this one? Because this seems like something you may have said a few times. May I have some ice cream Gelato? Yeah gelato.

Speaker 2:

What was it?

Speaker 4:

I didn't think he remembers this, wasn't that?

Speaker 2:

long ago. Well we, you switch gears, we're at an RV show.

Speaker 3:

It's out of my mind. As she said, you data dumped yeah.

Speaker 2:

I did, but I mean, it was the more common phrases.

Speaker 4:

I almost saved you. So my only tip if you're traveling international is don't just do all the big touristy items. You know, don't go to the. You know the Instagram word, these shots. There are so many off the beaten path areas that you can go to ask someone there locally where their favorite places are, their favorite restaurants, their favorite parks, something like that, and you really will get to know the country much better than if you only hit those famous touristy spots.

Speaker 1:

Right. So when you guys were in the Navy, did any of your travels there kind of inspire where you want to go next, or even Italy 100%?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, a little bit. I would say 100%, because we were there for four or five days, so it piqued your interest or one or two, yeah, and then you'd like. Okay, let me put this on the list, because I definitely want to come back or where we don't want to go back to, I mean we've been to some beautiful places but you know, like Singapore was amazing but it's so expensive.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

So you know, yes, I would love to go there, but maybe after I win the lot.

Speaker 2:

Well, we actually met in Japan, so we lived in the country for a couple of years, and back then I wasn't as adventurous as Stacy was.

Speaker 4:

He needed a lot of training. She would jump on the train and she would just go.

Speaker 2:

She would go to a restaurant and just say, I'll take that.

Speaker 4:

I would just you know, japanese have picture menus and I would just pick a picture and I'm like don't tell me what it is. I don't want to be biased. I'll taste it when it gets here and I'll decide and it is adventurous. I did that for two years. I would just hop on a train and get off at a random stop and just walk around, and it took a while to get full into it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like, I'll go out, but where's?

Speaker 4:

the local McDonald's. He's like I'm getting noodles, give me a stir fry.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't that Up to you know, trying new things back then.

Speaker 1:

So, but that you even bring up a good point, because even the McDonald's are different, oh, my goodness, everywhere you go.

Speaker 2:

So while we were there, I could get a great teriyaki burger.

Speaker 4:

You remember back in the day.

Speaker 2:

But you couldn't get it anywhere else.

Speaker 4:

And that you know. We argued about that a little bit. You don't go overseas and go to change.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I learned real quick that I had to change my way of travel, or somebody was going to change a lot of things.

Speaker 1:

You know, we had to work at work. 40 days was turning into a week, real fast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but again it just shows that you know you can get out of your comfort zone Right. I've tried things that I would have never tried back here in the States because I had my comfort food.

Speaker 4:

Well, that includes red wine. Phil really got into red wine. We were in Italy, so I, finally we can do some harvest hosting. He hit some wineries and he won't complain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I'm, you know, I'm a sailor at heart.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to say he'll like, like beer.

Speaker 2:

So I just I tried here in the States to drink red wine and I didn't like it. We get to Italy and all of a sudden I liked it.

Speaker 3:

It's just like the pizza and the pasta. It's different.

Speaker 4:

It's not the same. Oh yes, I never thought I would enjoy a three topping pizza ever.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm a, I'm loaded up and you know let's go. But over there, completely different Everything, and it was, it was amazing.

Speaker 1:

Now, on the flip side of that, we did find a pretty good pizza place in the Hill Country when we were down there, although it looked questionable when we pulled off.

Speaker 4:

Those are usually the best ones. They are yeah.

Speaker 1:

So do you have any destinations that are kind of circled coming up? That do we do, of course we do.

Speaker 3:

Which area are we talking?

Speaker 4:

All right, so I will go ahead and drop a little, a little tidbit here that won't be going on the channel. So if you're, if you don't catch it here, you won't catch it. We do have the beaches of Normandy coming up. So, as you guys know, we just talked about it this morning how much we love our veterans and we really want to go over there and experience that and just feel the moment over there and hopefully share that with some people who can't make it over there.

Speaker 4:

Right, yeah, that's uh and that'll be this year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we, we have so many bucket list items. Sure, and it you know you. You check two or three items off your bucket list and in the process you add four or five more.

Speaker 3:

That's what I was gonna say. She told me the list is actually growing it grows, I think, every day.

Speaker 2:

But it's, it's something, it's something good to shoot for. You know you, you put it down, you write it down and then you, every time you come back to, to whatever spreadsheet you have it on, you're constantly looking at it. So it forces you to say, okay, we've got to just finally do this. And Stacy's starting to do that, she's starting to schedule those things out so that we can plan accordingly, because you can't just wake up in the morning, pack a bag and head over seas. I mean, there's a lot of things you have to look into. So we we definitely Will make a few more hops across the pond.

Speaker 3:

I have an unplanned question have you ever considered or have any of your travels been based around? I want to experience this type of event and then that determines the destination.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely Well. We are actually have really been talking about that Over the past couple of months. There are several events that we're looking at. There's something in Montana, there's the air show in Wisconsin and we so we really want to hit some of those. We think it'll be a lot more fun if we have something. We can rally around an event, um, and we're going to be doing that with our crew. So, if you guys don't know, we have a someday crew and we do meetups all over the country and we hang out. So we really want to plan some of those Really cool festivals and events and, you know, unique things that you find across the country.

Speaker 2:

And you guys are part of the crew, so you need to.

Speaker 4:

Actually show up and hang out with us.

Speaker 1:

I jokingly say we're probably your worst crew members, because I think I have an open discord in about six months.

Speaker 4:

But actually only about 50% of our our peeps are on discord.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we found the same.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so you know that social media at something else, and sometimes people aren't big social media people or they're like, actually busy and have a life, and that's okay too, yeah, but then we gather together and they come and we all meet up. We have a great time. So you know, it's all good.

Speaker 1:

We've definitely said that this year we need to make a better effort to go to more events and not just be in our own little space and continuously do our own thing. So as you guys know, once you get into the youtube, and in this case, now podcast world. You can get tunnel vision kind of quick.

Speaker 4:

It's overwhelming and and you could actually drown in all this work Like it could be endless. So sometimes you know and I'm talking to myself as much as you you actually have to draw a line in the sand and say, okay, you need to pause somebody once told me that there are two forms of living.

Speaker 3:

You can they're surviving and there's thriving and you don't do both at the same time, that is brilliant. So if you're going through a season of life that's only surviving. That's all you're focused on right but then, like for us, the past six months was that, and now that we're coming out of that, we're looking at these thriving moments. Yes, or some of them.

Speaker 2:

Somebody gave us a great piece of advice when first started, and that was don't live your experiences through the lens of your camera. Don't live your entire life and travels through the lens of that camera you're carrying. So we, we're starting to get a lot better at putting the camera down. Stacy is that is, and you know you, you have to do that every now and then for your sanity, sure, so it's we're, you know, six years in and we're getting better at that trying to find a little balance, yeah but it's tough because that tunnel vision you just mentioned it comes quick it does.

Speaker 2:

Next thing, you know, you're six months in and you're like what the heck happened. You right?

Speaker 1:

we were just talking about it this morning and I said you know we're I'm. We love the super show, we love meeting everybody, but it is exhausting. Yes and it's not that I can't talk to everybody all day, but at some point I need a few hours of sleep. And I was so excited because we obviously are going to go be filming RV on plugged here pretty soon and we don't have to film anything after that because we pre-planned and so we don't have to film a drive day which is the first time, I think, in maybe a year, that we're not

Speaker 2:

actually pulling a camera out on a drive day so you can actually pay attention to where you're going.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, Not what's all around you. It's beneficial. I've driven past this thing 14 times. I didn't know it existed.

Speaker 4:

I literally have no content right now, like I have nothing in the bank. I haven't recorded a single thing since we've been here, so I think we're gonna go live today. So if you guys are listening, we're actually go youtube live Somewhere in the show.

Speaker 1:

So find us and say well, if you want mics, you can do it right here.

Speaker 4:

I don't know but we're gonna walk around.

Speaker 1:

Oh, never mind. Yeah, like we're this would be a lot to carry. Yeah, it would so.

Speaker 4:

I don't know what it's gonna look like. It'll be our first time doing it.

Speaker 3:

It could be like a scavenger hunt find you.

Speaker 2:

That would be really fun. So the one thing for us with coming to the show is, as you said, it is exhausting, but it's our way to say thank you, right it is to as many people as we can in one place.

Speaker 3:

It's very fulfilling to see everybody.

Speaker 2:

It is, and we were talking about it this morning, and I mean we didn't go to bed till after two o'clock this morning. From the event last, night.

Speaker 1:

I'm aware you were my ride.

Speaker 2:

And then you know you get back up. You know you get up in the morning and you're just you're dragging because it's you're so exhausted, but you know it's ahead of you and that's getting out Meeting people saying thank you, and that's not only the people that watch us, but the, the companies that we work with that are here so it's a. It's a great way to put faces Uh to names and just really say thank you for the support.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so not to just completely drop what we're talking about and go back to my list, because lauren made less.

Speaker 4:

We do go off on a squirrel all the time no. That's what happens when you're chatting with friends.

Speaker 1:

It's so easy. It's so easy you forget.

Speaker 4:

You know we're actually recording this. We're not just having a conversation in our living room.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, it's, we were last time. But, that's just normally when we do these things.

Speaker 4:

Yes, we're still on a tangent.

Speaker 2:

We request 72 degrees and green m&ms, so you know it's not 50 degrees and shade and a wind tunnel.

Speaker 4:

He obviously didn't get the memo.

Speaker 1:

Makes you feel any better. I'm in a fishing shirt. I didn't cold too. So to come back a little bit to international travel, do you guys have any plans to do some rv versions of that?

Speaker 4:

Oh, of course we do. Phil doesn't, because he doesn't know what I'm cooking up, but I am cooking. We do have. I have three countries on my list that I would. We may be hitting in 25. Um, we're also going to be RVing those countries and I'm I'm going to keep them on the download only because If they don't come to fruition, I don't, I don't want to talk about it.

Speaker 3:

So I love that. Phil just nods.

Speaker 2:

He's like yep, uh-huh, that's what we're doing I truly am just the driver and the guy that fixes and cleans things.

Speaker 4:

He does a great job doing dishes. When he says clean things, he does, he cleans pretty much everything.

Speaker 2:

Well, when we were going through the, the canadian border, as an example, the, the border agents asking us where you going, and I'm looking over at stacey and he says how long you're gonna be there, and again I turn and look at stacey. So now he's looking at us like Okay, these guys are suspects. That they just don't know it yet, but I truly I I just said look, I'm good, let's go tell me where we're going, and that's kind of how we do it.

Speaker 1:

Which that's kind of some of the fun, though right for you at least, because we I have this thing, especially with the rig and the size we are. She'll have some ideas, but I normally kind of put my thumbprint on the drive days just because I'm the one driving it and I don't want to get stuck somewhere on accident. So, but you guys are, we have, we have a great you know so rhythm when we're driving.

Speaker 2:

She's the navigator. You know she's.

Speaker 4:

Look, I've been telling him where to go for 30 years. Let's not change that. I don't want to stop. I'm so used to it now.

Speaker 2:

But we have our roles on travel day and she's working, editing, doing all those things while we're driving, and the navigator on top of that, so she keeps us out of a jam and gets us in the right spot Most of the time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it works out. Last international question OK.

Speaker 4:

I know we keep diverting. I'm so sorry. We're terrible, terrible podcasters.

Speaker 1:

That's. I'm just fishing, I'm bringing you back in a little bit.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about you, but I look good.

Speaker 1:

You do have a voice for radio.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I do Face for radio.

Speaker 1:

I do so? When you guys do travel away from the RV, how do you kind of manage that or store the RV? And I say that knowing full well what you do. I'm talking about what you're going to do now that they've moved.

Speaker 4:

Oh my gosh, I don't know what we're going to do. We've been really lucky. We've left the RV in our daughter's driveway and it was plugged in. We left it with Phil's uncle once and it was plugged in on that property, and now that our daughter is selling her house and moved to a real neighborhood, we can't park in the driveway.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know what we're going to do.

Speaker 4:

So we're going to have to leave it for up to 30 days at a time somewhere. So we're still deciding if we're going to leave it in a campground We've done that before for short term or if we're going to store it somewhere. So, we'll have to navigate that and we will definitely share our experience with you guys.

Speaker 3:

So TBD yes.

Speaker 2:

I prefer having it somewhere where eyes can watch it whether it's a park or a friend's house. Storage unit doesn't really give me a warm fuzzy.

Speaker 4:

Nope At all, just because there's not that Even plugged in. Yeah, even with cameras, yeah Right.

Speaker 2:

We did that. The first six months we owned it because we still had the house. But yeah, it's a little bit trickier to navigate now that we've lost that mooch ducking spot.

Speaker 4:

I know Really, how dare my daughter not think about us when she's deciding where to live?

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to lie now. I am distracted because Todd and Tony are playing with everything on our table over there.

Speaker 3:

Welcome toddlers into the podcast tent.

Speaker 1:

I had no idea what Todd was saying. Tony's now fixing what Todd did. Oh, he was asking who's? Cameras, those are both ours.

Speaker 4:

It's so funny.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's facing them. That little guy right there is facing us, we made it Welcome to live podcasting. And what 12 podcasts without anybody doing that. Todd's been here for five minutes. That's so funny.

Speaker 2:

He is I think he's sleep deprived, because he got off the podium. He got off the podium yesterday, jumped in his truck and started driving.

Speaker 1:

And now we're here in Central Florida, ready for some RV unplugged.

Speaker 4:

We're all ready. It's going to be so cool, it is.

Speaker 3:

He said he's ready to sleep, aren't we all Well, I?

Speaker 4:

think that's what. Three weeks now we can take a nap. Yeah, that's about right. Not till then.

Speaker 1:

OK, guys, first of all, thank you so much for being on the show once again. I do have a few listener questions for you, though.

Speaker 4:

Oh, interesting, full disclosure. Somebody actually sent a question. I just figured man. Thanks, mom, so you got.

Speaker 2:

Actually, it's your daughter Probably.

Speaker 3:

I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1:

So you had a lot. I narrowed it down to three, and one threatened me, so that one definitely got in.

Speaker 3:

So the one that threatened me is Eric from Colorado.

Speaker 1:

I think this it's for both of you, but Phil's going to be the one that reacts. How do you feel about Army's victory over Navy? Next question yeah, there's other things in there, I'll let you assume it. We may have muted the wags last night for doing the same thing.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's so funny, we did do that.

Speaker 2:

The Army Navy game is one of the most watched and talked about games every year and for us it's a great time of year for the military to get together and smack talk and it's all in good fun and I always rib the other services. But at the end it's one team, one fight and for 14 years straight Navy I knew that was coming Army and the tide has changed a little bit, so Army is one of the last few, but it's just. That's truly America's game and for us it just opens lines of communication a little bit funnier and heavier.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I will say, as the civilian side of college football, I would appreciate if one of any of the branch of the military had put a team that could beat anybody else outside of the military.

Speaker 4:

That's so funny, Well we actually did a huge fundraiser two years in a row.

Speaker 1:

We did an Army.

Speaker 4:

Navy Smackdown so that's right. We raised over $5,000 over those two years. That was early on, where we were all cheering for the game and then after the game was over we had to get on and go live. So if we lost, all of our Army friends could dog us live on the air.

Speaker 2:

And if we won, we could brag, did they ever the first? Year we won the second year we lost Even here at the show. I mean, that's their lead-in, go Army.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know when they meet us.

Speaker 4:

It's all in good fun, it is.

Speaker 2:

And in the military it means something when your service branch has bragging rights.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we can't wait for Navy to get it back.

Speaker 4:

And we're getting it back so. Eric, just hold tight, we're coming back.

Speaker 1:

I do like how I felt. So we're going to get it back, but, as Faye said, please get it back.

Speaker 2:

And I said it like I'm part of the team. We are going to get it back.

Speaker 4:

That's right. We're going to be right there.

Speaker 1:

OK, so this next question comes from Mary in New Mexico. What has been your scariest moment of RV life?

Speaker 4:

I think when we were stuck in the mud.

Speaker 2:

Man, that was scary, but it wasn't my scariest. The scariest for me is the cars that Cut us off and almost all yeah to crash. I mean really everything else you can kind of handle it. You can't handle somebody cutting in front of you, and that's why we have our dash top on a dime.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we're our dash cam is there to protect us Agreed but for me that's the scariest part.

Speaker 2:

Getting stuck in the mud was scary because it was. We thought we were damaging the rig. You know, we just didn't know. We thought it was gonna cost us a gazing in bucks to get us out. So that's yeah, that's what I think.

Speaker 4:

I think if you know you're, you're aware that things can go wrong, you're kind of prepared for it mentally when things do go wrong, it doesn't freak you out nearly as much. You know, you just have to keep a calm head and really RV life is a hundred percent going with the flow.

Speaker 3:

You, you can't you get too wound tight, phil, you just have to go with the flow preparing for what you can and then Understanding that there's a certain amount you can't prepare for absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And no, I just I'm. You know it's my house and I don't. I don't like people that Assume that I can stop on a dime. You know a 30 35,000 pound vehicle going down the road and it's. I didn't really understand it either until I got behind the wheel of one. Now I do same and you know so. If you're out there listening and you are around RVs, slow down please cut us off, please, we beg you.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So this last question, these competitive questions. I remember putting this together like three weeks ago and I'm realizing what I've done now. This is from Andy in Michigan, who's going to win RV on plug season two.

Speaker 4:

Oh my god, I don't know why this question is here. I win everything. I am winning we. We can just end the podcast right here. We're done, it's over.

Speaker 2:

Don't even go down this year. This is Phil's year.

Speaker 3:

I can feel it the year of the Phil, I will say, obviously if you watch RV unplugged.

Speaker 1:

I was on Phil's team for season one even though Stacy picked me, I Still get annoyed with red RV unplugged shirts that just have the big logo on the front. I'm looking specifically at a cast to season two. Yours isn't read. It's fine.

Speaker 2:

He's sucking up already. He's sucking up, so he's already pledging his allegiance and we say we were talking about Season two.

Speaker 4:

Contestant is right over behind us speaking of.

Speaker 1:

If you are here in the booth, live here. In just a little bit the RV unplugged. Season two cast Phil and Stacy will be wandering around as well. We'll be here doing a meet and greet as well.

Speaker 2:

We are super excited for season two. Season one was kind of the learning year. We're sorry. Season one contestants whatever.

Speaker 4:

I feel like they they're gonna get a bad rap because season two is gonna blow season one out of the water.

Speaker 2:

So if you're, if you've seen season one or if you haven't seen season one, go back and watch it. You'll get a ton of laughs. But if you're ready for season two, tell everybody, tell all your friends, check this show out. It's, it's for everyone. And we could we could use the support, yeah, to help this moving forward. So we're excited for season two. The contestants are excited. Stacy did a great job casting.

Speaker 1:

We think yes, yes, but time we'll tell the. We think they're at the last. It depends on, probably how his team does especially that guy over than the red shirt. He's already questionable, that's right.

Speaker 2:

If, if we come out on top, then if team feel, comes out on top.

Speaker 4:

Whatever did well at casting.

Speaker 1:

Awesome guys. Well, thank you so much. We're excited for RV on plug. More excited, we're still involved with you guys.

Speaker 2:

So we're coming over.

Speaker 1:

We're happy that Todd made it safely so we can actually have a host for the show.

Speaker 4:

That's always a bonus.

Speaker 2:

He just likes to mess with things and they've all checked out. I think Stephanie did all the driving.

Speaker 4:

I think the season two contestants over there smoozing him trying to get a leg up at the end of the day, stephanie is in charge and we understand. Yes, we all know that, that's all good women are where can everybody find today a Sunday stuff?

Speaker 4:

Right there at today, a Sunday stuff so we are at today, a someday net, if you have to our website and then, of course, on YouTube. You can find us there and we're on all the socials and you can get our links on our website If you head over there. A ton of info. As a matter of fact, we're gonna leave up our link for a little bit for the our charity. So if you want to donate to a good cause, you'll see links to our veteran charities.

Speaker 1:

So on our website, awesome and you can find everything RV unplugged at RV unplugged TV, calm. Check out season one. Season two coming soon.

Speaker 4:

And make sure you go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel, because you're gonna want to meet the contestants when that footage starts rolling out, because you're gonna want to pick your favorite and while you're at it, millers in motion dot com 2.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we have stuff. Oh yeah, we have stuff. Hello, youtube. Awesome guys. Thank you again so much and a big shout out to Alliance RV for letting us be in the booth and a shout out to Tony for Awkwardly staring at us right now as we finish this outro. Thank you, guys so much and we will chat with you next week. You.

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